WWE TLC: Shems Covenants Must Defeat In Romania

Shems covenants must defeat in Romania 

Roman king a big part of being a pro wrestling fans have no one to sit well with the two possible outcomes, a TLC Match at WWE TLC Shems will fight for the World Heavy weight.

Championship in the WWE.One option: Shems retains his title. Option B: The covenants will become the new world champion.In both cases, some of the fans he won Shems, because the WWE audience somehow new or transfer needle to sell tons of cargo, and will not draw a faint WWE champion, entered the season with the Royal Rumble, despair Coverage suffer.

e wins covenants but, if it hardly anyone cared less covenants resulting in fans, against a champion who cares what will happen in a random B-level mountain WWE pay-per-view to the top of a long and difficult fought road.It's a rock and you choose the less of two evils WWE and the WWE World Heavyweight Championship should be placed on the Roman king, where a hard place as about the middle, you can get as close to losing the case place is.And capitalize on their newly crowned WWE covenants of the leading two-year note was nothing, which Shems cooling giving WWE title, Survivor Series last month backed in a corner. Now, the creative team for the League of Nations is highly stable expectations dropped Shems Shems will help to get over with the crowd and the best, these days it is indifferent.But it will not matter. Shems he became WWE Champion when he first became WWE Champion was found in 2009 or later in his career to become World Heavyweight Champion. All parts of this talent but did not live up to the level of payment, which is very nice in person, well, just looked like.


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