UK News: Jeremy Corbin Western Oldham Royton Praises His Election Victory

Jeremy Corbyn praises Oldham West and Royton by-election victory

Live: Oldham by-election reaction:

He said the anti-austerity message shows the strength and attraction Jeremy Corbyn Western Royton Oldham by-election victory in the Labor Party said.Department visit, he said, "incredible" as a result of the Labour leader praised.John Beckley majority of votes in 10 722 candidate Jim McMahon and freedom party, and election turnout was more than 62%, to secure.Independence Party leader Nigel Farage claiming the existence of election fraud, is to vote on a formal complaint.People were walking around with "mailing packages vote," he told the BBC.

It broke out before the election by the death of Labour MP Michael Meacher, who won a seat in the general election in May by a majority of 14 738 long service. Mr. McMahon said, "He delivered a result that Michael would be proud of."

 The confidence of people:

The absolute majority of the number of less Workers' Party, but this time the party ended up with a higher share of voice as the turnout - just over 40% - was lower than in the elections in May.

It was also the first major electoral test for Mr. Corbin, who was elected by an overwhelming majority the members of the work in September Party but has faced since criticism from some lawmakers him - - and before the election - the first of this Parliament, which culminated in the great rebellion on Syria Wednesday.Appearing at a rally in the circle to congratulate Mr. McMahon, Mr. Corbin said the victory showed how he was "strong and deep-rooted and widespread" in supporting the work "not only in Oldham, but in all parts of the country."Labor, he said, was "the leadership of the Conservative Party back" and challenging "agenda of austerity and narrative."

Sour grapes:

The deputy leader Tom Watson, the Labour Party told the BBC that the result was "very good" to Mr. Corbin urged MPs to "swing behind" their leader after what he said was "a difficult week" for the party.Mr. Watson has denied claims the Independence Party about electoral fraud, saying it sounded like "sour grapes" and if their opponents on the evidence of wrongdoing, we should pass them along to the police.


 By Brian Wheeler, a political reporterAnd it hinted reports of the election campaign in Oldham work and bleeding votes among traditional supporters of the white working class, horrified by what he described as one commentator turned the party into "poncified" party of the middle class liberals capital.This acres directly in work fear that their vote in the traditional strongholds of the English proved to be as fragile in Scotland.And that the Independence Party, with a hard line on immigration and appeal to national values, was supposed to replace him.Critics have proved days away and the London-based error, however.


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