Russia Started Air Attack From Submarine on Syria

Russia Started Air Attack From  Submarine on Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin, with defense minister Sergei Shoigu in the Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow.

The Minister of Defense in the country on Tuesday that Russia Russian submarine in the Mediterranean, the first game of a new cruise missile, including air strikes against targets in Syria began to win another dam: Moscow.Rostov-on-Don by Kalibr tenderness submarine cruise missiles launched successfully designated targets hit, the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to President Vladimir Putin. He said that in the event of a sunken submarine during launch.He said he hoped that the new missile is equipped with both conventional and nuclear weapons, Putin pointed out that "there you will ever need."Shoigu Russian Tu-22 bombers on their way from their base in the last three days of flying 60 combat performance, and participated in the latest raids.He said he was destroyed in the latest wave of Russian air raids on targets and oil facilities mortar to build a warehouse for ammunition, and a factory involved in the "terrorists".He spoke Russian air strikes launched by the military Shoigu toward Israel and the United States. Pentagon official, not authorized for the public to discuss the matter said on condition of anonymity, confirmed that Russia has informed us in advance. 

The US official said at least 10 cruise missiles fired from surface ships in the Russian Caspian Sea and launched the eastern Mediterranean rockets and at least one of the Russian submarine.Russia, Syria Latakia province, coastal, and Russia, as well as warships flying long-range bombers from their bases in the aircraft using the airport, and the air campaign in Syria since September 30. Group Islamic countries focused on its operations in Moscow, while criticizing the United States and its allies also opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad moderate rebel groups Moscow beaten.Shoigu Syrian army forces on 24 November that the Turkish plane showed that Putin Syria and Russian forces have recovered from the accident site, who said that the aircraft's flight recorder, a Russian warplane fired down, near the border with Turkey and the region, Putin said was exceeded.Putin, adding that the data will show the flight path, to be studied in the presence of foreign experts is the flight recorder.Ankara's relations with Moscow have been strained over Downing strongly. In Turkey, despite repeated warnings Turkish airspace violation for 17 seconds after that the plane was shot down.Russian warships have to focus in Syrian airspace, and responded to an air base in Syria to deploy air defense missiles, long-range economic sanctions against Turkey by entering kill him.",, We, as a friend, but as an ally in the fight against terrorism is not only Turkey was treated, and this support means that you can not expect treacherous attack," said Putin.Spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova ship was cruising through the Strait of Bosporus, while the portable air defense missiles on the deck, a sailor on the image of a ship belonging to the Russian navy on Turkey rejected the complaint.Turkey condemned the incident as a provocation and summoned the Russian ambassador to protest.Zakharova was a Russian crew and his ship correct procedures to protect the Turkish Straits to use international law to decide the Montreux Convention, did not refute insisted that responded Tuesday by saying. 

The Russian Foreign Ministry expressed that Russia was responsible for the bombing of the US claims, without addressing the Syrian army camp on Tuesday expressed concern about the reported bombing.The government attacked the monastery of the Syrian Al-Zour on Sunday night at an army camp in the eastern town, killing three Syrian soldiers and injuring 13. The United States denied the claim for coalition aircraft by US-led guilty is a contract, a senior US official in Washington said that the military camp, which wounded was in a Russian air raid "something". Was a commissioner to discuss the issue publicly administrator has not spoke on condition of anonymity."Deep concern," he said without commenting on the United States claim and Deir al-Zour on Tuesday, the Russian Foreign Ministry reported on the coalition strike. Islamic state in its campaign against the group to coordinate with the radicals and the reluctance of the coalition government, which the United States-led forces in Damascus. 

The ministry also claimed to be involved in the killing of civilians in the province of Hasaka Syria hit pointed coalition."These developments in Syria and the war on Iraq and the situation is getting more tense indicates that" the ministry near Mosul in Iraq without the approval of the Iraqi government the basis for the deployment of Turkish troops and stress, said, adding increase."We consider this appearance is unacceptable," the ministry said.It is expected that work in coordination with the Iraqi government and the US ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, Washington, Turkey."We have asked for political dialogue between Turkey and the Iraqi government" energy. "We believe that we are together, and that all States should work in close coordination with the Iraqi government approval, just as it is."Turkish deployment "of the capabilities of a sovereign government currently deployed, and make decisions about clarity in everything that is happening in our country that is to make sure that this is the way." Hoping that canSaid Dmitry Trenin, director of the Carnegie Center in Moscow, while `He asked Iraq for help in fighting", this position may change that Russia has so far. As he put it on the ground in Syria's arsenal, Russia is the military presence permanent is a sign of that intention Moscow added."It will not be a short war, a small operation will not be," Trenin said. "Russia is not a long time."


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