Italy and the United States amid concerns about the expansion of Isis Libya to launch a peace campaign

Italy and the United States to launch a peace campaign Libya amid concerns about the expansion of Isis

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Libyan gunmen loyal travel Isis in the east of the country. The United Nations has warned of Isis in Libya has close relations with the central leadership of the group of jihad in Iraq and Syria

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Italy and the United States in connection with the launch of one of the most aggressive diplomatic efforts so far to end the civil war in Libya amid mounting international concern about the growing strength of Isis jihadist group in the North African country.

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UN-mediated peace talks between the Libyan government recognized internationally based in the eastern city of Tobruk and the House of Representatives in Tripoli, the capital, is allied with the Islamists and other factions, seemed fairly close to an agreement to provide for months so far always fallen short.

Isis taken at the same time take advantage of the chaos to establish a stronghold in the central coastal city of Sirte, which has become the most expensive of all of Hamas as a safe haven for fighters to escape from the battlefields of Iraq and Syria.

He said a UN report submitted to the Security Council last month of Isis in Libya - was "the closest access to the center [in Iraq and Syria]" of global subsidiaries each Isis - which is believed to have up to 3,000 fighters.

In light of this threat 600km just across the Mediterranean from the Italian island of Sicily, Paulo Jantelaun Italian Foreign Minister Massimo D'Alema, and John Kerry, US Secretary of State, he called some senior diplomats in the world to Rome for a meeting on Sunday.

Aim of the conference - along the lines of the Vienna talks on Syria - is to provide a "decisive impulse" to reach an agreement for the formulation of a national unity government in Libya could help contain Isis.

Mr. Jantelaun and FT - "and security threats can increase, starting Daesh [Arabic abbreviation of Isis, and the position obstructive small number of minorities can not pull this from a very long time because otherwise it will be the situation in the country is getting worse from many points of view" in Interview. "We will bring a critical mass of diplomatic point of view, but it should be an agreement forged by the Libyans themselves."

The conference will include Sunday external five permanent members of the Security Council of Ministers - China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States - and their counterparts from countries in the region that have a significant influence in Libya, such as Egypt, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.

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Will Martin Kobler, the UN envoy to Libya, and also to attend, although it is expected that there will be a Libyan representatives.

If the conference does not help stimulate the agreement, can the new Libyan government calls on the international community to provide support in maintaining security in the country.

Jantelaun will not be drawn by Mr. about whether this might involve air strikes on targets Isis or ground forces. "I think it is premature to speculate on scenarios," he said. "If there is a request, Italy is ready to have a role in it - on the condition that there is a legal framework for the resolution of the Security Council and asked the Libyan government. We certainly will not do this alone."

Italy's central role in diplomacy in Libya comes as it seeks to counter the perception that has remained on the sidelines in the fight against Isis in Syria, refused to join France, Russia and the United States and now in the United Kingdom in air strikes on militant jihadists there.

"It is our commitment to the urban legend, which is less than other countries." He said Jantelaun Italy is one of the countries that are most active in a coalition of anti Daesh, pointing out its military presence in Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Kosovo. "If other forms of commitment will be useful and necessary in the next few months, we will look at it and discuss it with our allies."

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Mr. Jantelaun, who met Staffan de Mistura, the United Nations envoy to Syria, on Monday, prompting a moderate progress in the Vienna negotiations. "- But what he opened a crack, not the highway is more open compared to the situation two or three months ago," he said.

I felt justified some Italian officials quietly Russia a key role in the diplomatic talks in Syria and Libya, since Rome to say constantly to further engage with Moscow during the crisis, while Ukraine and other Western countries pushed for more stringent.

"We are satisfied. Mr. Jantelaun seemed right to us that decisions on Ukraine should not be translated into the closure and the involvement of Russia dialogue." "This position seemed right to us six months ago or a year ago: now is shared by the vast majority of international players."

Omeyya friend, an official at the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, an international non-governmental organization that has been supporting the United Nations mediation efforts in Libya, and warned that if the talks failed to Rome, the international community may abandon the diplomatic track.

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"Many countries oppose it... By the end of the year there will be a statement that the political process has failed and that it would be time for other scenarios, such as lifting the arms embargo on Libya and arming the government in the east of the country and its support in the fight against terrorism, and said," Mr. Saddik.

"This may make it possible to bring eastern Libya under control, but the western portion remains chaos and become a pole of attraction for jihadists. The division of Libya will be the biggest gift you can provide Isis."

But Mr. Jantelaun declined to discuss such a scenario. "If the current situation to increase to deteriorate, it would represent a clear threat to Italy and Europe. He said but now we are not looking at a plan B".


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