UK News: France Votes In The First Elections Since The Paris Attacks

Paris France votes in the first election since the attacks

 French regional elections voters, 130 people were killed, the first electoral challenge since the attacks of Paris go to the polls in the first round.

French regional elections voters, 130 people were killed, the first electoral challenge since the attacks of Paris go to the polls in the first round.
Targeting Two Regions:
Marechal- her niece Marion Le Pen in the southern region of Provence-Alpes-Côte D'AZUR is a major contender, leader of the National Front, Marine Le Pen, in the northern region of Nord-Pas- de-Calais- Picardy is likely to win .

The French National Front captured any of the areas that will be the first.
Both the Republicans and the National Front of lace according to opinion polls, 30% of the vote is heading, but Socialist Party President Francois Hollande is more than about 22% and seems likely to lose control of some areas.
Prime Minister Manuel Valls usually relatively limited powers enjoyed by regional administrations who see a low turnout at the polls on Thursday in an attempt to raise the Socialist vote "an invitation to the home of Love".
The survey was performed in the National Front for the presidential election in 2017 will increase the chances of the party is expected.
Has France's National Front changed?
The far-right's charm offensive

The New Suspects:
And a poll recently in Paris four to seven percentage points since the attacks increased the popularity of the National Front moves.
November 13 attacks that killed 130 people and injured more than 350.
On Friday, the Belgian prosecutor's office, police, Paris, Salah Abdul Salam attacks new suspect accused of helping the fugitive said two suspects sought.
Duo "armed and dangerous" are and Abdul Salaam in September travel in Hungary has helped being considered.

Investigators Abdul Salam suicide bomber attacks the Stade de France in Paris on the night of their goal has been paid to say.
But Abdul Salam's role in the attacks and the dough is still unclear. That night, a suicide attack was supposed to carry out, but it was decided against that suggestion.


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