Christmas: Super Duper Christmas Day Find Your True Love

Christmas: Super Duper Christmas Day Find Your True Love

What Is True Love?

How do you know when your love is true and that you are not just fooling yourself? How do you know that you are not merely infatuated with each other? How do you know that this is a relationship that has lasting power? The truth is that these are only questions that can be answered with experience. It may take a few bad relationships before you know how to be in a good one. Another tip is to try to use your head before you get your heart involved. If it makes sense on paper, chances are it is a good decision. It is only when you ignore the warnings that your brain is giving you that you may get into trouble.

Letter To My Husband:

My Dearest X,
I know we have been threw so much in just a short period of time. I feel like it has made us stronger. I know that my love for u gets stronger and stronger everyday. In my heart you are my life, my love, my soul mate. I dont want to walk in front of you or behind u in life I want to stand beside u. I know our life isnt perfect nor will it ever be but its the best it can be and that’s all that matters. The day we got married was the happiest day of my life. U mean more to me than words could every express. Soon we will have our son here. Always reminding us that he was created my the love we share. I cant wait for us to spend out lives together and see what the future holds for us. I can’t wait to grow old with u. Im forever yours I love u Scott!

Love Your Wife,

I Wrote You a Love Letter Today

 MY Real and True Heart

Here it is for the whole world to see!  I LOVE YOU!!!!   Long gone are the days of nervousness and impetuousness. I don’t care who knows that I love you because it is real and it is true.  I do not doubt your love for me either. I only worry that eternity will run out before I have earned it. I only want to live forever loving you.  Yesterday is a beautiful dream and tomorrow is my soul’s wish. Here I am, looking out over the immensity of my life, and of all of its challenges and choices and I see this one clear thing… my love for you.  It is the only decision in my life that has made total and complete sense.  I see your handsome face and sweet smile and everything falls into place, peacefully and easily. Loving you makes my life make sense. It completes the puzzle of my soul.

Throughout my life it has been a constant change and growing. I don’t think I have ever stopped growing for a single moment. Although my desires are different, as are my ideas of what true happiness really is.  I have in some way always known that you are my destiny and my one true desire in life. I am glad that I found you.. Because of you happiness and wholeness are dreams that now have direction and hope. It is though I can feel your hand resting on my heart communicating some special truth. A message that tells me there is an endless supply of joy to be had, and shared. There is nothing more beautiful than this love I feel for you, my true love. And so I am here at this place I never believed existed; created by the simple tone of your voice and the love in your laughter. I have crossed over into a love only designed in dreams and written about by the world’s most cherished poets. Your love has awakened me and moved me across time to spend my life loving you.  I love you with all that I was.  I love you with all that I am.  I love you with the woman I will be in the future.  Will you walk with me please?


My Darling…
You are the first person I have been in a serious relationship where I did not think maybe I’d be better off with someone else. There is no doubt what is in my heart. I love you. I want only you. I have no room for anyone else.
My heart only beats for you,
And no one else,
I only want you,
And no one else.
When I’m with you,
I only see you.
When I’m in your arms,
I feel safe.
When I’m not near you,
My heart hurts for you
until were together again.
I love you like no other person,
You were my best-friend,
But then we became so much more.
And I don’t regret it,
Not even for a minute.
I Only Want You &
So Does My Heart.

MY Heart
I've been waiting to say all this to you—and even more—for a long time. It might surprise you that I am writing to you; but sometimes when there is too much to say, it's better to write than to speak.
We have a very special relationship. We both know—without ever needing to say so—how in love we are. We’ve accepted it, without feeling the need to express anything poetically or melodramatically.
But now I want to try: Like a sparkling crystal vase, you are delicate, fragile and precious to me. I get lost in your dark, deep eyes that look so beautiful against your fair skin. I love to be close to you and I want you to feel the same about me.
I remember the first time I met you. It was one of the best moments of my life, and I thank God for giving me such a moment. When I saw you, you seemed like a tiny angel, but also a quiet woman. You seemed to be having the same difficulties in life that I was having then. Something out of this world, some force of attraction, gave me the courage to approach you. I couldn't understand it then, but I am glad that I took the chance and spoke to you.
I couldn't understand why you were so special to me. But the time we spent together was so enchanting that each moment without you felt like a small forever. It was so hard to focus on my work, to keep myself from dropping it all and rushing to you. Sometimes when I couldn't bear your absence, I would call you up, half-afraid that you would be angry with me for disturbing you.
And there was something else about you: even though you weren’t one of those naturally sociable people, you told me everything about yourself: your home, your family, your feelings and your work. I was your emotional support, and I seemed to occupy a unique and special place in your heart. When you told me your griefs and sorrows and cried into my chest, it seemed I could make you feel safe and secure by being close to you. I felt so happy and proud to give you this support and comfort.
And somewhere along the way, I myself opened up without even realizing it, and soon when anything made me happy or sad, I couldn't wait to share it with you. We slowly developed a deep love, and eventually we both knew it. It was so enchanting, and it completely pulled us in.
I am madly in love with you, my petite, delicate darling. I get lost in you, and I am happy. I love every moment I spend with you: our long walks under the sunshine and the moonlight, under the clouds of my world, and the soothing gaze of the stars.
I love the most special lady in the world...
Sweetheart, I love you.

I Love You More Than Words Can Say


Hey, Baby Girl, I was just sitting here thinking about how much I love you. I love you so much that if I tried to really write how much I love you, I would be constantly writing for the rest of my life.
You bring out so much in me that I'm just beginning to see. It's like when we are together, the rest of the world disappears, and nothing else matters but us. I hope I feel this way forever. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you with everything I have to give. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve someone as loving as you are. Do you know how long I have waited to have someone like you in my life?
It wasn't luck that brought us together. You are a blessing to me and I wouldn't trade the way I feel about you for anything in this world. You are the reason why I smile. You are the first thing on my mind when I wake up every morning, and you are the last thing I think about every night before I close my eyes, but our time together doesn't end there because you are the only thing I dream about. I really do want to spend the rest of my life with you if you will allow me to. Nothing is too much to give you. I feel that if you're not happy, then the world needs to stop until you are!
Baby, I just want to thank you for loving me like you do, and I am forever in your debt, just for you being good to me. You know, it is strange how I had to go through so many bad situations before you came into my life. I guess it really is true when they say good things come to those who wait because I've waited for someone like you all my life, and you really are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I just want you to know that I love you so much, and I want to be with you till death do us part! I love you, Baby Girl!
I Will Keep Waiting For You
I sometimes wonder what you're doing, or whether you are thinking of me, like I'm thinking of you. I have been thinking of you for 20 years, since the day I was born, really.
You have been elusive to me in so many ways but, because none of my objects of infatuation turned out to be you, I feel as if life sometimes may have fooled me, yet I know you are out there. I mean, how could I have seen your face and still overlooked you? Or how could I have heard your voice utter words and not have found anyone that sounded like you? Are you in the stars every time I look up? Of course you are. You are the clouds in the skies, the songs the bird sing every morning. You are everywhere, really. I know you are real. I just constantly wonder why I have not found you yet.
Why haven't I been able to say all that I want, show you all that I am, and give you all I have now? Why is time making us wait so long? We don't know, because this is a factor beyond our control. I will always love you, Darling, and when we finally find each other, it will be God's greatest reward.
So, wherever you are, know that I love you and you will be the one that lurked passionately in my dreams. Know that I am always longing for you and your presence. Know that you will always be everything to me. Even though I have not yet met you yet, I love you, my spirit lover.




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