Syrian Conflict: German MPs Vote Against A Military Mission

Syrian Conflict: German MPs vote against a military mission

German parliament Islamic state in Syria (IS) to fight against the militants in the United States-led coalition voted to send military aid.

445 votes to 146 in the House of Representatives of the German non-combat role to a plan approved.
Tornado reconnaissance aircraft and naval frigates to the area and 1,200 troops will be sent.
Paris, France last month after the attacks is asked after the vote. The German Ministers is now considered to be the target.
British fighters on Thursday by the country's parliament authorized military operations after the first air strikes on targets in Syria carried out.
It is the largest in Germany and abroad will present military operation.
And mandate to continue in the beginning of the year and (£ 97M; $ 146m) € 134m will cost.
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel's proposal for military intervention to support her ruling Christian Democratic (CDU / CSU) and the Social Democratic Party (SPD) coalition relied on by the deputies.
Most of the greenhouse Parliament also voted no, while Germany's opposition Left Party, according to reports, the mission has rejected.
Before the vote, the UN resolution that authorized it without specific legal basis for the mission of the head of the Green Party expressed concern Simon Peter.
But Justice Minister Heiko Mass Spiegel newspaper said on Friday that he had no doubt about the legal validity.
"We have to stop these terrorist killers," he said. "We will not succeed by military means alone, but also, it will not succeed without."
Last month, after the UN Security Council to attack Paris, al-Qaeda and affiliated "terrorist" group by "prevent and suppress terrorist activities" for "all necessary measures" to UN member states calling on French A motion passed.
France applies EU treaty on mutual defense clause - Article 42.7 - IS allies in the fight against the EU for help.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed the Western intervention - but NATO members to do more to train local militias that stressed.
Speaking to Radio 4 and BBC World, said, "We have to build local capacity in the region and we need to do more of the West and the Arab or Islamic world must remember that a fight between .
"This attack on the core values ​​of our society who are the terrorists, the fight against crime and people."
It rather focuses on anti-Assad rebels with air strikes on the index called on Russia to focus.
He says that the German forces will be deployed, "the Eastern Mediterranean and the Gulf, the Red Sea and adjacent seas approval [Germany] governments that have given works on the territory of states, where Syria."
Also, aircraft, naval frigates and Saxony in the eastern Mediterranean French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle help support.
Germany 150 100-strong troops in northern Iraq will increase. They are fighting the Kurdish Peshmerga forces to help train. Germany also provide them weapons and ammunition.
German Armed Services Union entered into a conflict without clearly defined goals has warned.
"I battle you take it seriously, are, and will last for well over 10 years I am working on that basis," Association President Andre Wuestner this week told German television.
Until now, the largest German foreign mission in Afghanistan, but in 1000 a little less powerful is gradually wound.


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