Hillary Clinton: Is A Powerful Force With Hillary Clinton?

Is A Powerful Force With Hillary Clinton?

                                 (CNN) Hillary Clinton believes, finally, that the force with it. 

Former minister suggested in the tactics of the state and performance in the Democratic debate on Saturday to think that in spite of her campaign struggled out of the gate after a series of personal errors, the nomination may finally be in reach of her as the ballot in the first-in the nation states on the horizon.
Sometimes, politicians chose to skip battles reveal a lot about them as they decided to wage. Clinton sent a clear signal in New Hampshire where lies its real objectives in the presidential election in 2016.

Former minister suggested in the tactics of the state and performance in the Democratic debate on Saturday to think that in spite of her campaign struggled out of the gate after a series of personal errors, the nomination may finally be in reach of her as the ballot in the first-in the nation states on the horizon.
Sometimes, politicians chose to skip battles reveal a lot about them as they decided to wage. Clinton sent a clear signal in New Hampshire where lies its real objectives in the presidential election in 2016.
It gave her rival Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a pass on the controversy of vote that sparked bitter disputes between the campaigns over the past 24 hours. Instead, she ripped chose Donald Trump, and has sought to tar brand of the Republican Party with his antics.
Clinton has no desire to inflame brushfire internal democracy that can offer supporters Sanders, already skeptical of their positions on issues from war to Wall Street, new reasons to denounce against her campaign.

Less than seven weeks from the Iowa caucuses declared the start of voting in the contest the Democratic nomination, Clinton managed to repel high Sanders, who has threatened the White House hoped during the summer - allowing it to focus on the arguments they will make in the general election campaign.
; ", And she has got bigger things in mind and said she had nothing to gain from an ongoing dispute with Bernie Sanders," said CNN senior political analyst David Axelrod.
In fact, Clinton made it clear that - the debate on the stage at least - she wanted to focus elsewhere.

It gave her rival Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a pass on the controversy of vote that sparked bitter disputes between the campaigns over the past 24 hours. Instead, she ripped chose Donald Trump, and has sought to tar brand of the Republican Party with his antics.
Clinton has no desire to inflame brushfire internal democracy that can offer supporters Sanders, already skeptical of their positions on issues from war to Wall Street, new reasons to denounce against her campaign.

Less than seven weeks from the Iowa caucuses declared the start of voting in the contest the Democratic nomination, Clinton managed to repel high Sanders, who has threatened the White House hoped during the summer - allowing it to focus on the arguments they will make in the general election campaign.
; ", And she has got bigger things in mind and said she had nothing to gain from an ongoing dispute with Bernie Sanders," said CNN senior political analyst David Axelrod.
In fact, Clinton made it clear that - the debate on the stage at least - she wanted to focus elsewhere.

"I do not think that the American people all that interested in it," Clinton flap data, and returned in favor of Sanders after he took advantage of an earlier discussion of the grants cover her on the scandal her use of e-mail server while Foreign Minister then threatens to consume her campaign.
Sanders opened the debate for Clinton to apologize after it emerged that employees now launched on the campaign trail and had access to data on the voting lists her through security flaw affecting the firewall on the server hosting the third-party democratic voting statistics.

"I apologize not only to the Secretary of State Clinton ... I want to apologize to my supporters. This is not the kind of campaign that we run," said Sanders.
The tone of courtesy departure from the ideological confrontations spiky, which has moved through the latest GOP debate on Tuesday.
In this and previous discussions of the Republican Party, which is a large field of candidates struggled to fit on a single shot camera, throw punches in several directions.
The three Democratic candidates, in contrast, seemed to dwindle huge stage at St. Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire - In spite of the differences between the candidates, and especially with regard to national security, the Republicans say the air is more dense than discourses is a sign of a political base involved much more than is the case for Democrats.
In both cases, the absence of strikes from opponents say Clinton's former foreign minister was allowed to attack on the Republicans, strengthening the impression that it is already more concerned about the Battle of the general election race party's nomination.
He took particular aim at Donald Trump, which Democrats hope to draw not as undefended doctrine of the Republican Party, but as a representative of the party could alienate more moderate Americans.
"I am deeply concerned that the next statements from Republicans, especially Donald Trump, sending a message to the Muslims here in the United States and literally all over the world that there is a" clash of civilizations "," Clinton said, one of the many points where it was seeking to draw the real estate tycoon Democrats in the debate.

She added that the Republican Party positions, which included an invitation Trump prevent Muslim immigrants from entering the United States in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris and California, and fanning "the flames of extremism."
"We also need to make sure that discriminatory messages that Trump really send all over the world do not fall on deaf ears," Clinton said.
"He's become a better recruiter for ISIS. They are going to people videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims appear to recruit more radical jihadists," and continued, in spite of the controversy have disputed.
It also took positions on national security at odds with Democratic rivals.
While the competitors Sanders and Maryland former Governor Martin O'Malley is keen to portray itself as much closer to the Democratic doves base on the US intervention abroad, I felt comfortable setting a strong program to address the ISIS - including the imposition of no-fly zone in Syria - which includes the element military more stringent than those favored by President Barack Obama.
Suggested willingness to draw these aggressive policies that Clinton feel it in a strong position in the Democratic Party even if many of the activists on the left hand to the national security.
Clinton was the decision to develop a detailed policy on ISIS to appeal to undecided and independent voters in the presidential race, amid polls showing that the public has lost confidence in Obama on these issues.
It also runs the risk of angering parts of the Democratic tax base, with George HW Bush looks like a vow not to raise taxes on the middle class.
"That is the pledge that I'm making," Clinton said, betting on the position also seems geared more to the general elections of primaries in which some progressives prefer to raise taxes to fund more government programs.
While Clinton sailed through without much debate political damage, the event points to the potential national security weaknesses that Republicans will be sure to take advantage should be addressed in the general election.
"We're now in the end where we need to have a strategy and a commitment to go after ISIS" Clinton said in a statement that seems to put them at odds with public opinion.
He suspended an immediate response from the Republican candidate Jeb Bush.
"I do not HillaryClinton - we're not," Bush said as we need to be "in the fight against ISIS," on Twitter.
Clinton also struggled again to explain its role in advocating military action in Libya in 2011, which resulted in the fall of dictator Muammar Gaddafi for a long time but he left behind a failed state, and parts of which have become a haven for ISIS.
This issue is sure to be a major exhibition in the case recorded by the Republican secretary of state candidates and the Republican Party sees disastrous period of confusion the United States and the decline in overseas should disqualify her from being president.
And despite the fact that her answer to a question about how her husband, Bill Clinton, that is consistent with the role of presidential spouse does win the White House light shade, and respond to the "I'm probably still going to choose flowers and China for dinner countries and things like that," perhaps that is exploited by the party's opponents Republican as a sign that they already metaphorically measuring the curtains in the White House.
But now, Clinton seems to be in a good position to ease through the Democratic primaries and take the fight to the preferred targets in the Republican Party.
. "In the elections watershed, you know, everyone says is important in all elections, and there is the fact that this is because I know how important it is to be democratic we succeed President Obama in the White House," Clinton said in a final statement, before making the cynical who proposed that the restoration of the privileges tried and tested from another era - whether it's in films such as Star Wars or in politics - can succeed.
"Thank you, good night, and may the force be with you."


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