ISIS Takes Flight: Pilot Training A Terrorist Group In The Air Base In Libya

ISIS takes flight: Pilot training a terrorist group in the air base in Libya

ISIS is trained pilots at an air base in Libya, using a small plane left by one Gaddafi regime, at least in the flight simulator to try experts fear could lead to air strikes targeting Europe, according to regional analysts.

Terrorist group, which is bulking up its presence in the State of North Africa even chaos for air strikes by Russia, the United States and other Western allies and the bombing of its headquarters in Syria, works without limitation in the city of Sirte. Given that Sirte is just a short trip from continental Europe - Italy is the closest of all - could mean the development of ISIS and closing in on a bid to take terrorism to a new level of scary with many high-profile potential targets within range.

"We know that jihadists are trying in every way to harm the West, and if they can blow themselves up in cars that can certainly do the same thing with the aircraft. This will not be a big fad in line with their thinking and purpose to do a lot of damage as much as possible," Colonel Jacques Neriah, retired former vice chairman of the evaluation of Israeli military intelligence and expert on North Africa Affairs, Fox said न्यूज़.कॉम.

    "... If they can blow themselves up in cars that can certainly do the same thing with the aircraft; and this will not be a big fad in line with their thinking and purpose to do a lot of damage as much as possible."

"We're not talking about a MIG-31 or F-16 pilots," he continued, "We are talking about very basic, rudimentary pilots who can take off in a light aircraft crash itself at the Vatican, for example. It takes only an hour and a half to cross the [Sea White medium] from Libya to Rome. "

Last week, the Wall Street Journal that the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said French President Francois Hollande in Paris said in a meeting that "Europe must turn its attention to high militants in Libya."

ISIS pilot training reports emerged from the air base in Sirte earlier this week in the Middle East newspaper, based in London. The newspaper quoted a security official in Libya who said the Libyan air force trying to destroy the training ISIS camps in Libya but have not achieved only limited success, and highlighted the fact that the training aircraft brand new simulator have been obtained by the Sunni terrorist extremist organization recently in October.
Fears that ISIS has grown close to intensify its activities -mn of North Africa, where tens of thousands of immigrants have succeeded in the continent of Europe by boat during the past few years - was highlighted in a recent report submitted to the United Nations Security Council.

"While currently concentrated in his stronghold in Sirte, ISIL [ISIS] local alliances may seek to expand the regional control, and the consequent risk of stimulating foreign terrorists additional fighters to join the group in Libya," and warned evaluate the November 15 "ISIL constitutes a clear threat to the short and long term in Libya. Group benefit from the "call" and the notoriety of ISIL in Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic. "

"Libya is strategically important for the ISIL, due to its geographical location at the crossroads between the Middle East, Africa and Europe," and said he continued, pointing out that the ISIL announced its verdict in the three provinces. "However, this division does not translate into effective control over the territory, but shows instead of ISIL ambitious vision for its presence in Libya."
 There is a growing number of observers argue that the regional order to stop the increased presence of ISIS and many other Islamic terrorist groups in Libya to take urgent action to be taken. Outside Syria, Iraq, Libya is the only country which governs the ISIS land. Efforts have focused on the city of Sirte, where the majority of the vast oil resources in Libya. Already it makes hundreds of millions of dollars from the oil fields controlled in Syria, but it is believed to date to be generally succeed in the export of Libyan oil.

"[ISIS] tried a few months ago to send the first shipment abroad, were confiscated by the US Navy," explained Neriah. "It seems that were not able at this stage to smuggle significant quantities."

Massive amounts of weapons left over from the bloody war overthrow Colonel Gaddafi in 2011 but continue to find their way into the hands of terrorists. Many in Syria, Mali and Gaza appeared, among other places, while there is conclusive evidence that the Sinai peninsula - the scene of dropping by ISIS in October from a Russian airliner with the loss of 224 people - is a central site for buying and selling such weapons knocked down to any terrorist organization willing to pay a higher price.

The Libyan government besieged attractive for further assistance to help them repel the Islamists from their territory, but so far there does not appear a great desire on the part of the international community and other direct intervention in Libya, a decision that some experts believe may be due overshadowed by.

"Everybody thinks [ISIS] as a terrorist organization, but in fact this is a terrorist state. They have all the organs of the State," concluded Dr. Neriah. "In Mosul (Iraq) alone took about 2,500 armored personnel carriers from the Iraqi army, and all the equipment brand US new. During the civil war in Syria, ISIS and other jihadists have been manipulated and production showed Chemical Weapons and on reports that attacked Syrian troops with chemical means at a time when people thought that it was not only the system that has been doing this. Therefore, these terrorist state has the means to train people. "

"If the international community did not take to intervene militarily, either through an Arab military force or an international force, I am afraid that the outcome in Libya may be very grim."


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