Obama's Master plan 2016

Maps White House Memorandum To The 2016 Obama Plan

Not remember Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and the countdown aloud explicitly in mapping the internal White House memorandum from President Barack Obama's plan to 2016. But they determined.Calendar note, a very conscious, according to officials at the White House, leaning heavily on the use of "talks" that have been identified Obama approach the media recently to push its own agenda. But it will also be used to subtly, and not so subtly, and make the case for the Democratic candidate, which Obama and everyone in the White House bearing (but will not yet say out loud) will be Clinton.

On Friday, Obama his annual conference at the end of the news to take a victory lap after what is gloating and his aides were in 2015, but also to lay the foundation for the eighth year that they insist will be different from any other country, defying expectations.Recognition secretly he flubbed his initial response to the attacks Paris, Obama's aides and hopes to add more of the stage for the counter-terrorism response. Actual strategy does not change much. But with the White House aides say they feel that Americans are more concerned about the immediate threat of terrorism in the wake of the Paris San Bernardino, more than ever, since 11/9, there will be more events such as visits Obama to the Ministry of Defense and the National this counter-terrorism center week - meetings that are likely to happen anyway, but this will be paid out deliberately to public opinion, with the President to ensure that speaks more passionately himself.And long before Obama officially begins his campaign for Clinton, he will do more of his speeches, such as those about the recent immigration: refute, without mentioning directly, no matter what flares up from a trump card or other Republicans. As Republicans intensify, so it is said that it is willing to keep knocking on policies that pulls their attention as stupid and non-US, not what he, or most people, or the Democratic candidate for president wants.e's obviously an observer of what is happening, and certainly had taken some concern in the drive from the right to speak on the Republican side, said communications director at the White House Jane Bsaka.Has been purposefully out by candidates for the presidency and Republicans in Congress - the final design of Obama's State of the Union - to be held on January 12, several weeks ahead of last year's title drawn carefully.A senior administration official promised to reporters Thursday afternoon that the speech would be "non-traditional", but then explained that there is still a speech before Congress, only without the "huge long list of legislative chairman of the DOS.""We have taken a conscious decision of the State of the Union early this year because it allows the president early in the year with the framework of what is before," said Bsaka, who spent the past month the formulation of the plan along with Vice Chiefs of Staff Anita Decker Breckenridge and Christie Canegallo, large Shailagh Murray advisers and digital administrator Jason Goldman.On my way across the country to deliver speeches one-time events such as factory tours - out. I expect much more than the Congress of criminal justice reform package, which White House aides say cautiously House Speaker Paul Ryan and expressed openness to, and in the end the vote on the trade agreement across the Pacific Ocean Partnership - more.Instead, aides say the president will focus on expanding efforts Obamacare climate change. Obama will push states to expand medical, modern medicines and medical accuracy rates, and, with a lengthy approval timelines in mind, put a new set of environmental regulations in the early time of the year."Thousand flowers can thrive. We have a limited time left, and we need to give priority to the most important things," said a White House aide. "We do not have an unlimited amount of time for the president. We need to use his time strategically and research in big moments, either to move the policy forward or to use the platform bully to raise the issue and raise it or do something and this is a big risk, but high reward."

Obama will add a few small issues, such as the re-authorization of the Federal Aviation Authority, child nutrition, and the face of a rise in the use of opiates, he and his closest aides had hit before, and perhaps even a sign that the outstanding long-time executive orders on gun control that the White House It is still waiting for the return of the inspection process Ministry of Justice.November was difficult to get to the White House. The west wing on the edge of the abyss, not used to being on the defensive after 2015, which would have gone to a large extent its way, and depression that terrorism and prove such a problem for the world - and the problem because it is in political terms. Trump was extended boom feels like some direct rebuke. It was thwarted by all remind us of how little they've got to do on gun control.Saturday afternoon, after making his statement celebration climate that has been reached in the Paris Agreement, Obama was standing outside the Oval Office with a small group of aides. The deal also about Obama as it gets - a large, long-term, on a scientific basis, embodies his theory of how the global leadership nudging America in the 21st century - and was heading towards speaking the old (a word that's almost as prohibited in the White House as a "lame duck") and boosterism more than usual."People should know what the United States has done on this," Obama said.Began conversation turned to what more they can do now, for the first time in the climate, then in other cases.Obama's aides describes the existence of "skip in his step" since then. This was only helped by internal gloating on the draft comprehensive spending bill delivered before Congress on Tuesday night: The White House strategy, aides say, and it was mainly to dare Republicans to shut down the government at all ideological racer who wants Obama.After months of political threats and attacks, the White House takes credit for the 200 riders hit the back of the Republic, according to a source familiar with the negotiations.Was press secretary for the White House Josh Earnest Thursday afternoon for his briefing on the recent news of the year with a strut her, bragging about how opposition Republicans in Congress "melted" in the face of the administration's efforts on a budget, Cuba, Iran, pipeline, Keystone and Obamacare.But in 2016, the White House aide admits, will not be heavy on policy. It will be about the first conversation, and they'll be leaning on cabinet secretaries to help them do so.Although staff agency working on his state of the Union's proposals for several weeks, was the White House chief of staff Denis McDonough Do not call in secretarial cabinet themselves full of the meeting until this week - unlike last year, when it was called in before the midterm elections to start monument ideas. It did not get into too much detail. Most of the focus, according to people familiar with the meeting, and it was to keep their people from leaving and that the end of the scandal-free presidency.

Obama has tried to spread this same token, fell by senior staff meeting last week to thank the assistants and urge: "I want to squeeze every ounce of recent this past year."They're all walking around a little arrogant in the West Wing these days, swatting away anyone asking a question about what they'll do in 2016 by pointing to how much they accomplished in 2015, in spite of all the people who were ready to write them off a year ago .They point to all the Republicans who attacked Obama for agreement on climate in the debate on Tuesday night as evidence that it can continue to identify issues in the race. There will be more than that, they predict."There is a parallel world of being the actual activity. Senior administration official said, and we are determined to live in this universe." "The election campaign in 2016 to spend a lot of time to respond to us."And they are not abandoned after a big surprise."Our goal is to do some things that are unexpected," said Bsaka. "The president is open to that."


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