UK News: Attacks In The Subway Railway Station in London

The arrested man, was heard shouting, "This is for Syria," stabbed in the attack in the subway station in London

Developing: According to Sky News man was arrested Saturday after he allegedly stabbed and seriously injured one passenger and leaving two others slightly injured while being heard yelling, "This is for Syria" within the London Underground station.
Police at a later attack in the subway station Leyton in east London time she said, and is being investigated as a "terrorist incident".
A video posted Twitter user (warning graphic content) obtained by standard evening after the attack, which shows a pool of blood and suspects on the fire with a taser gun by police.
"Police were called at 19:06 GMT (02:06 Eastern) ... male suspect reportedly threatening others with a knife," said a spokesman for Scotland Yard, the regional police force for London Sky News. A spokesman for the accused to have taken minutes later.

More on this:

3 hurt, one in serious condition, in London knife attacked
Passengers who were seriously injured in the throat with a machete area have been reduced. Sky News reported that the passers-by heard the man shouting, "This is for Syria" during the attack.
Two other people were slightly injured in the attack
It is said that the suspect and began the attack on the passenger exit at the main entrance of the station Leighton area when the victim was stabbed in the neck.
"We are treating this as a terrorist incident. I would like to urge the public to remain calm, but alert and vigilant," said Commander Richard Walton, chairman of the leadership of the fight against terrorism in the city's police.
"The threat of terrorism is still in the 'severe', which means that it is very likely terrorist attack," said Walton.
Appeal comes just days after the British Parliament gave overwhelming approval to authorize the army to carry out air strikes on targets styled Islamic state in Syria.
He said the office of Prime Minister David Cameron, 10 Downing Street, it was "monitoring the situation closely further details to emerge."
COO in the London Underground, and Steve Griffiths, Evening Standard the station is closed while police declined to investigate the attack said.
Authorities urge anyone with information or more video of the attack to contact the authorities in (+44) 0800 789 321.


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