Iraqi PM Reportedly Arrives In Ramadi

Iraqi Prime Minister's Promise To Celebrate The Liberation of The City of ISIS Comes To Ramadi 

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Ramadi, armed government troops from the territory of the Islamic state to give up a day after the Iraqi prime minister toured the victorious western city and regained a prominent official premises. Haider al-Abadi in Ramadi, according to Iraqi state television said, but gave no further details. But the Iraqi military commander Brig. General Ahmed Al-Balawi The Associated Press launched during the visit of Prime security meeting, and officials in the province said to get the latest updates. All over the city and at the same time, military engineering teams remove bombs from roads and adjacent buildings, Balawi also sporadic clashes were taking place in remote parts of the city, said. Ramadi, capital of Anbar province, Iraqi forces and US-led forces, which represents a major setback for ISIS May fell on. And the Baghdad government to retake the city to announce a counter-attack was quick, but the efforts have stalled repeatedly. Then in November announced a big push across the Euphrates River Abadi forces people to leave early and alert to progress, to restore gray. Their progress and bombs and sniper fire from buildings after heavy resistance ISIS is slow.

 All bridges leading to the city center by militants blew up. On Monday, the US-led Iraqi forces backed by air strikes, he led from the city center and government complex ISIS workers has increased over the Iraqi flag. And symbolic - - important as the Iraqi military officials were still fighters also said it was working in different areas of the city, a hidden Islamic state. Located in the middle of the road on the way to Baghdad, which is located approximately 80 miles west of Baghdad in Ramadi, Fallujah and neighbor, Isis is still in control, some of the heavy fighting in Iraq, the intervention of the United States eight seen year. Seizure of property by the government on Monday came despite months of air strikes, which severely shaken by the fall of the city in the month of May, which is expected to boost the morale of the Iraqi forces, of course, led by the US and elsewhere ISIS advances against the country. ISIS is still a large part of the north and west of Iraq, as well as vast tracts of neighboring Syria controls. Succession in areas controlled announced a harsh and violent interpretation of Islamic law has been applied. Iraqi state television and Ramadi on Monday re-submitted video, some waving Iraqi flags and brandishing machine guns in the center of Ramadi government compound as described in the shouting and dancing, shows soldiers. Soldiers near the damaged buildings that can be seen the slaughter of sheep in celebration. General Lloyd Austin III, commander of the US Central Command and the Iraqi army and congratulated the "practical achievement is important." Officials from fighting or brown gave no casualty figures.


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