WWE Hot Fighting "John Cena Vs Alberto

John Cena Vs Alberto Del Rio

  John Cena

251 lbs.
West Newbury, Mass.
Attitude Adjustment; STF
WWE World Heavyweight Champion; United States Champion; World Tag Team Champion; WWE Tag Team Champion; two-time Royal Rumble Match winner; 2012 Money in the Bank Ladder Match winner


He visits and 15 WWE world heavyweight champion, the hero of the United States five times and record highs Make-A- Wish donor. He won the Royal Rumble match twice. He competed in 12 WrestleManias in a row, and counting, and-more than a decade in his tenure - he has not slowed down a step. If you really can not see John Cena at this stage, chances are you simply are not looking.
There was no doubt that Senna became a living legend is today? You know you're practically QBs of "face who runs the place," the future when he threw the child down with a muscular Massachusetts Kurt Angle for the chance to become a true WWE Superstar. Sure enough, ruthless aggression little went a long way. After gaining the respect of his peers through the intensification of the Olympic champion, Cena supernova as the doctor went spitting fire from Thuganomics and eventually reach the peak, which strongly affect the JBL in the first WWE World Heavyweight Championship in his WrestleMania 21.
Far from being a one hit wonder, however, set Sina shop at the top of the mountain and refused to decamp, and the establishment of an open challenge to anyone's policy thought they could knock him off: You want some, come get some. And slowly but surely, Sina - preaching and the spirit of "hustle, loyalty and respect" - and not just collect a battalion of followers was dubbed "Cenation", but also accumulated enough hardware to fill a Home Depot. He said he did not cut corners to get it done, either. Sina resumption of defeated opponents includes both future WWE Hall of Famers such as The Rock, Randy Orton, Batista, Brock Lesnar and Triple H and some of the newest star in the WWE Seth Rollins, Rousseff, Kevin Owens and Bray Wyatt.
All this does not mean that just wear a ball cap courage Sina, who speaks with the punches. Cenation leader has thrown himself into charity work with the same passion as his craft in the ring. With more than 500 times Alsna- A- desires, and he granted more requests than any other athlete in the history of the organization, where his message "will not surrender" holds, the new deep meaning. So he has dropped his toe in Hollywood, starring in the horror action such as "Navy" and "12 rounds" movies while showing his comic pieces in Amy Schumer hit "Trainwreck". Even now, he still finds time to adjust positions and detailed shuffle fools in regular defeat. Sure, some critics might say it sucks, but John Cena, rise above the hatred is just part of the job description, and he made camp on the top of the mountain waiting for someone still is to take the swing.
After turning back the challenge of many superstars in the past few weeks, John Cena defeated before returning Alberto Del Rio during his visit to the United States open to challenge in the WWE Hell in a Cell 2015.

 Alberto Del Rio


239 lbs.
San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Cross Armbreaker
WWE Champion; World Heavyweight Champion; United States Champion; 2011 Royal Rumble Match winner; 2011 Raw Money in the Bank winner

Born in the nobility of the Mexican Alberto Del Rio is the son of the famous luchador Dos Caras, which is related by blood to the Spanish royal family of Ferdinand and Isabella. During the summer of 2010, for the first time Del Rio in the WWE, making an immediate impact on SmackDown by cutting and insulting own Rey Mysterio 619. Later that night, Del Rio backed up his threat by making the former world champion and WWE fan favorite to make the signature Cross Armbreaker.

DEC 23

Del Rio followed quickly on his success early by winning several high-profile games, including a huge 40-man Royal Rumble match and WWE money in the 2011 Bank ladder match that crude July. These major victories was in Del Rio help fulfill his "destiny" in 2011 at SummerSlam, where cashed in his money in the contract to defeat CM Punk Bank and become a hero of the first of its kind WWE Mexican-born.
Day after day, by a rival competitor and section by section, and the Mexican Superstar is proving that his unlimited talent, pride and aggression is more than just a formula to win inside the ring, but "the essence of excellence" very in WWE.
A fatal discount, Del Rio is to show that there is no support or loyalty very sacred when it comes to the realization of his really supposed acquired. This was evident when he decimated his friend and former personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez, and an end to their partnership and begin to Del Rio solo pursuit. Attrition continued as the likes of Christian and ECW Original Rob Van Dam all fell to the Mexican warrior who does not have mercy during his reign and the heavyweight champion of the world in the summer of 2013.
Del Rio made a shocking return at WWE Hell in a Cell on October 25, and the answer to the US Open challenge John Cena after the submission by the former enemy Zeb Coulter. He defeated rival decorated Cenation leader to win the championship in the United States, live on WWE's award-winning network.
The competitor enters the game MexAmerican WWE World Heavyweight Championship and battle all the way to the semifinals before falling to eventual Roman Reigns at Survivor Series. In the wake of his defeat, breaking Del Rio relations with the code will continue to wrestle his former student, Jack Swagger, the WWE TLC. The champion screaming continue to retain his championship in the United States after the defeat of America proud.
Screaming and frankly, still aristocrat to flaunt superiority, and show a degree of cruelty that belies his high-class upbringing. It is, of course, his fate.


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