World Climate News: World Leaders Meet In Paris For The High-Stakes Climate Talks

World leaders meet in Paris for the high-stakes climate talks

Joined some 150 world leaders including US President Barack Obama and Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon Monday at the start of two weeks of high-risk climate talks near Paris.Environmental activists are hoping that the images of the United Nations Conference will send a strong message of unity on the issue of global warming.

 The meeting comes in the COP21 dismal time for France, which is reeling after extremists associated with ISIS killed 130 people around the capital. Immediate fears of a repeat of attacks outside the high security and a crackdown on environmental protests have been paid.And each leader will deliver a speech about what their countries are doing to reduce emissions and climate change has been slow. After leaving the leaders and negotiators to them for another two weeks to work out a deal before talks are scheduled to end December 11French President Francois Hollande, "It is the future of humanity is at stake in this conference," the newspaper 20 minutes. "History will judge harshly if the heads of government, in December, they miss this opportunity."In his address to the summit, Obama stressed that the glaciers and "melt unprecedented pace in the modern era," and warned of a "sunken and abandoned cities, states," What action is not taken.

 He added: "One of the enemies will be fighting at this conference is the irony ... Let them that there is no doubt that the next generation is watching what we are doing."When I got together world leaders aim to create a broad climate treaty in Copenhagen in 2009, they left with the recognition that there is a problem of global warming, but not a strong commitment to address this issue.", It would be hard to be more of a failure than Copenhagen," said Jimmy Hein, director of communications and strategy for 350. Org, a group of activists in the field of climate NBC News. "I think there is a recognition all over the world that we are running out of time to address climate change ... Our hope is Paris sends a clear signal that the world moves away from fossil fuels."All members of the G-20 has presented its plans to tackle global warming. Obama administration put an additional basis in the last year by securing an agreement with China to reduce carbon emissions significantly by 2030 and an agreement with Brazil to increase renewable energy production.

US President Barack Obama shakes hands with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius as Segolene Royal, minister of environment and sustainable development, energy, French President Francois Hollande, left in the middle, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, rear, looks on as he arrived for COP21, the United Nations Conference on Climate Change climate, in Le Bourget, near Paris, Monday, November 30, 2015.

It is expected that the activists plan that emerges from the Paris summit will address the decline in fossil fuel emissions and increase funding to help the developing world reduce its dependence on non-renewable energy."It will be the first international legal agreement, which has firm commitments from all the major bidders," Jake Schmidt, international program director at the Natural Resources Defense Council, said ABC News. "The United States is seeking actually work locally and not just talking about it a significant multiplier effect."America is based on the goal of the plan, which has already announced it in China last year to cut emissions by 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025."President Obama really came up with its objectives based on what he thought he could do administratively using I would say the easiest and most politically and clear his tools," said Benjamin Schreiber, director of Friends of the climate and energy program in the land.

However, the sparkle on such steps can only lasts a long time, say environmental activists.Tracker work climate, who analyzed all the plans submitted, writes that "none of the INDCs G20 in line with a high degree of less than 2 degrees Celsius, or 1.5 degrees Celsius", which is the goal of global climate talks. This is also the point at which climate "severe drought, experts say rising sea levels and super storms as well as routine food and water security challenges become.""We expect that we will have an agreement of some sort will not get us anywhere near two degree warming This is the stated goal of the negotiations. We do not have such high expectations for these negotiations, which we believe, said Schreiber this one moment in one in his life." "As a result, we will not end up on a path to get what we need to be."While Paris certainly will not close completely to address climate change, some believe it is an important step forward, because the United States and China, the two largest polluters, and the fact that the participation and some countries began to rely more on renewable energy."[The United States has a] greater responsibility really help lead the world in solving this problem," in Hin. "The pledges on the table are stronger than we have been offered in the past and probably goes to the view of the administration can be with the current Congress. We believe that this is one piece of the ongoing and continuous path to get us where we need to be."

Climate change has been the subject of heated debate in Congress, legislation and the United States was unable to promise that legislators will follow through with any resulting plan. Currently, the proposal on executive action taken by President Obama, not the climate that has been voted on legislation."It is absurd that a handful of climate-deniers in the US Congress that the whole world can be spared to address this critical issue and what is facing our climate ... it's morally reprehensible," said Hain. "Congress has made it clear that it will not sign any politically binding treaty ... will be a parody if the stakes are not too high. Instead, it's the growing tragedy."Although Congress, Obama was still able to create a clean energy plan, which aims to reduce emissions, and set aside Keystone XL pipeline."We were very happy with Obama's rejection of the pipeline, Keystone XL, whom we have an indication that the administration thanks to the pressure of millions of Americans began to really stand up to the fossil fuel industry," said Hain.But Keystone XL is just one step in a long battle to reduce dependence on the United States on fossil fuels."President Obama does not intend to do enough, so we're going to call (him) out. The latter has time to build a truly international climate legacy, in the eight years of his presidency he had missed the opportunity to said Schreiber permanent building legacy of international climate." "Climate change will not be solved by only one pipeline, and climate change will require a concerted and extensive efforts really."


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