Latest News: France striker first names as the massacre of refugees reignites row

France striker first names as the massacre of refugees reignites row

French police questioned on Sunday, relatives of one of the suicide bombers who brought carnage to Paris as a class throug hout Europe in the refugee crisis re-ignited, with conservatives demanding an end to "the days of uncontrolled immigration."He said the Paris public prosecutor Francois Moulin told reporters that three jihadist cells launched coordinated strikes on Friday night in bars, playground hall for concerts and football, killing 129 people and injuring 352, of whom 99 were in serious condition.Prosecutors said the slaughter - claimed by the Islamic State in retaliation for French military action in Syria and Iraq - appeared to involve a multinational team with links to the Middle East, and Belgium, and probably Germany as well as the French-rooted home-grown.

And representatives of the Belgian prosecutor said that two French nationals gunmen who were living in Brussels. They also said they had arrested seven people in the Belgian capital. Police conducted raids on Saturday in Molenbeek, a quarter of the poor, immigrants.In an indication that the gunman and at least one had survived, she said a source close to the investigation that the car seat is believed to have been used by the attackers was found in the eastern Paris suburb of Montreuil with three Kalashnikov rifles at home.He said a local resident, told Reuters photographer said police cordoned off the area around the car in the middle of the night and brought in a car anti-explosives in a case that has been boobytrapped. And it took the car away after he was removed guns.It seems one of the attackers arrived in Europe as well as Syrian refugees, seeking asylum in Serbia. But with the European Union is deeply split over migrant crisis, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker confirmed that the striker is not a refugee but a criminal.And the museums and theaters remained closed in Paris for a second day on Sunday, with hundreds of soldiers and police patrolling the streets and subway stations after French President Francois Hollande declared a state of emergency.Seven militants were killed, all of whom were wearing explosive belts packed with explosives in multiple attacks. The first to be named, named Ismail Omar Mostefai, aged 29, who lives in the city of Chartres, southwest of Paris.French media reported that he was born of French and Algerian origin. Mullane said that a man security Islamist extremism file, adding that he had a criminal record, but had spent time in prison, never. It was identified through tests on his finger broken.A judicial source has taken Mostefai father and brother for questioning, along with other people believed to be close to him.


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