U.S. News: Obama called the public relations campaign to change the idea of America refugees

Obama called the public relations campaign to change the idea of America refugees

Muslim Syria, Iraq and other hotbeds of jihadist "refugee" would be good for the country, thousands of Americans to wage a public relations campaign aimed at convincing the Obama administration and the contractor refugees came to escape religious persecution, which pilgrims With the "refugees" equality of.It's also about the Statue of Liberty and the frequent references to the title will be: ". In history as a place of refuge" "my tired, your poor, your huddled masses give private," and the USBut Paris attacks changed everything.

Obama mostly under the radar of the average American sent to Syria, Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan Crusader war tens of thousands of Muslim refugees to import plans.

At a rock concert in Paris watching football and concerts, were killed while 130 people were injured but, who carried out the attacks of the world took notice. In Europe, at least two of the eight terrorists in the Middle East and other countries, the influx of refugees from Syria has entered the category.ISIS will take advantage of this medium in the West has promised, and what they mean in Paris proved to be a terrorist organization.

A clear majority of Americans in the wake of the attack poll any Muslim refugees from Syria and Iraq do not have to accept. The country's rulers more than 30 Muslims, most of them from Syria quickly, to reach 10,000 responded to the backlash against Obama's plan, and tens active jihadist movements, all of which Somalia, Iraq, Burma, Afghanistan and Congo Democratic Republic before the influx of thousands of Muslims every year on top.

Thus, the "Welcome" plans for Refugees Obama administration, along with the heads of state in Europe, rather than retreat, doubled down on their efforts.As part of this effort out of the White House and the media is now clearly a propaganda campaign.Ann Corcoran says such critics as the International Energy Agency refugees, including many half-truths and lies that only four minute montage, video advertisements on their own on November 24 issued Homeland Security Secretary Jay Johnson.

For example, Johnson Syrian woman as fake by the United States for the most comprehensive background checks for all passengers under the Syrian refugees, "Rima," Johnson says in the video says that the data Cross is credited with that probe will undergo a biometric and biographic law enforcement. But his own officials, government department they are applying for refugee status, which is approved by more than 90 percent of Syria, and the Syrian refugees, the vast majority of law enforcement to investigate data hearing in Congress last month admitted under oath that is not mentioned.

Johnson also coming from Syria, mostly women and children, say, but it's known to the United States hostile elements that will be led by the United Nations admits. Even the UN special data on refugees poured Europe show that men, women and children, the majority of. The refugees are sent to the United States, including Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon in the same refugee camps are coming from UNThe United Nations refugee resettlement program since 1990 through more than 15 million Muslims in the United States was imported. That is why hundreds of people who come on a student visa and work visa does not include thousands.

Paris in the wake of attacks on Muslim refugees to counter negative publicity with its own advertising campaign to counter the administration had to be on the passion "widows and orphans" packed with packaging narrative states that Obama is not right legal reasoning rejects plan for the desperate refugees.

But these arguments are more than a few weaknesses - in fact, there are gaps and critics."If the offensive. "Said Paul McGuire, a Christian author, pastor and former radio broadcaster in Southern California, American immigrants than the previous waves of Muslim refugees is a perversion of history."I do not have to adjust the offensive, which requires them to work with a hostile ideology or religious belief came here for." Using the agenda of globalization and immigration, the environment and other issues of sovereignty of nation-states, a new release of the exhaustion: Maguire, the book "The End of Times Bible Code biggest mystery Babylon" said co-author."Before the attack, Paris, Sweden, France, Germany and the United States government and it was all laid out the same story - we, welcoming refugees compassionate teachings and cheer, and cheer on our The President must be issued, and that a large proportion of them from Islamic militants with knowledge. " "I know most of them are men of military age, and it is something very strange about the whole thing is why."

First and foremost, the United States does not choose its own refugees. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is through.And resettlement of refugees in more than 180 cities and towns, the private contractors to accept them, do not ask whether an American cities and towns. As for the refugees in the public, or in local newspapers announcing the session so far are brought there in secret without. Families placed in subsidized housing and their children are educated for free in public schools as soon as they arrive, they are food stamps, health care, temporary cash assistance signed for. Within five years of the refugees, including voting rights, are put on a fast track to full citizenship.

They are called by the Feds for resettlement of refugees' human experts get paidNine contractors rehabilitation is part of the PR blitz, and as representatives - such as the World Evangelical Relief, Catholic, religious organizations such as those associated with the organization of six bishops Lutheran Churches and the Jewish one - it's an independent charitable Aid experts as if they have been interviewed by the media. But hardly an impartial experts.Corcoran also taxpayers with each refugee resettlement funding "head" refers to the payment of these contractors.

", And approximately $ 2,000 paid to each refugee and get to keep the $ 500," she said.Corcoran WND "human angle is just a cover, actually". "They are masters at it. Even 25 years ago, the National Park Service, I was trying to save my farm. It works out to the left is one of the ways. Everything as a cover for humanity is put on the white hat, and we all said what he wants ... to those who had to fight to do that in their eyes, not only for their own country, in particular allowing for development To save the Holy Land, it is people changing US shift with the movement of the refugees is the same government officials can save the date, but in which the sheet was prepared, but couch it in human terms . "

More poor Syrians - Christians - have left behindChristian minorities in the Middle East, the persecution of all categories of people caught and killed by massacres are calling ISIS ISIS also does not hold water because the logic of the human suffering of Muslims "Save". The Obama administration has mentioned them, compared with more than 2,100 Muslim and Syrian refugees as the US had not yet brought only 53 Syrian Christians.The refugees 'examination' is the issue. Obama and refugee resettlement refugees contractors sometimes for 18 or 24 months for investigation before being accepted in the US for all those who come "are much more investigation" never fail to mention that.Most Americans under the control of his government slogan and the province will not allow any terrorist to feel comfortable that leaves no doubt. Do not say the FBI and Homeland Security officials on combating terrorism in the region to examine their background is no available data because they can not obscure that Syrian refugees has warned several times. And investigate these warnings, James Comey, President of the Federal Bureau come from, as well as one of the leading anti-terrorism expert, Michael Steinbach.

Obama, lie exposed in the Congressional Record Johnson
In congressional hearings last month, under harsh questioning, strict scrutiny of Obama's story and did not hold up.Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala, senior officials responsible for screening refugees, a sub-committee on immigration was on the witness stand.Emrich, fraud detection and record refugees to confirm that Syrian refugees might provide a solid background in the session in a single database to get their ministry in the Department of Homeland Security in the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services He is assistant director of the National Security Directorate says when asked which is not the case."Maybe some of your own intelligence databases for very small outside of the naming of a single computer database, but you can check against the Syrian values? Do you have any Syria? " Sessions asked.

"No government, no sir", Emrich answered.He Syrian passport as little as $ 200 for the session can be bought on the black market that pointed out various press reports.Media campaigns fastBut the Obama administration Corcoran Americans desperate widows and orphans to accept romance wants to poison public opinion as a media campaign should expect that he will continue in the coming weeks.

This "pro-Islamic groups in Syria and in the majority of the US State Department contractor in all parts of the country, 10,000 refugees and Syria, most Muslims do not want to get into the fragmentation that is learned , especially for travelers in a campaign to put the federal rehabilitation again, "he said.Strong "He said he utter the word, so that" "is in relation to the audit process, and the people say -. Well, then by all means let them"

Bloomberg United States, NBC News and The Washington Post published three opinion polls / ABC News this month that any Syrian refugees have registered more than 53-56 percent of the respondents said. One of the reasons cited by the respondents of Islamic militants the United States could slip through the screening of the refugee process that is a lot of concern.

Jenny Yang, a pressure Washington for relief from the international community, the media noise is rolled out in just one example of how, America's story to spin to the sound of Syrian refugees.Part of the National Association of Evangelicals, the World Relief, most of them Muslims (98 percent are Muslims so far), the Union force in defense of its role in bringing Syrian refugees in the resettlement is funded again nine contractors.

And the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres, "System" Bashar al-Assad is to save them, because Syrian Christians are not persecuted, and therefore, the focus of the United Nations to send Sunni Muslims in US cities last month told an audience at Georgetown University. The ISIS other jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq 'genocide' is called for in the treatment of Christians, groups such as the open door flies in the face of the independent evaluation.Many Christian men, injured or cut waste to convert to Islam if you are the head of the crucified. Then the women are sold into sexual slavery.

Obama America who are looking for a safe haven for refugees "religious test" should never have said that last week. However, when it comes to Syrian refugees program his administration has implemented what appears, advocates say persecuted Christians.


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