US Latest News: Assad praised Russia's air strikes as US special forces "very soon" to arrive in Syria

Assad praised Russia's air strikes as US special forces "very soon" to arrive in Syria

President Barack Obama's administration had promised as a senior official in dozens of US special operations forces and arrive in Syria "very soon," he said.Forces and according to a special envoy Brett McGurk, the self-styled Islamic State in northern Syria fighting help organize local forces.Has removed the only hope for peace in Syria if Assad isMoaz al-Khatib, Ahmed Jarba, Hadi al BAHRA, Khaled Khoja
"They will be very soon," McGurk said the nation faces the TV CBS.His comments on the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Russian air strikes which began in September, thanks to the country in civil war for four years, "almost every front," said its forces came as.The president said he is worried that the new peace talks to be held in Moscow would prefer, but he struggled Syria "defeat of terrorism" that can not be resolved without force.Hong Kong-based Phoenix TV in an interview with al-Assad in Syria, "a very good way to improve" the situation in Russia said that since September 30 began bombing."Now I Syrian military on the field in many different directions and progress in almost every front ... is investigating that can say," he was speaking in English.Russia Assad and his government have criticized as ineffective, the US-led coalition fighting group, in contrast to the Islamic state, Damascus has coordinated with the air strikes.Russia attacks allegedly by supporters of the government forces and morale reinforced the army, war, according to watchdog groups, have achieved little progress on the ground.Obama at the end of October, the advisory role of non-combatants and local grass-roots anti-coalition forces to help coordinate the efforts of the index for deployment in northern Syria no more than 50 authorized for special operations forces.And the violent extremist group had been formed to combat, which is aligned, the formal deployment of US troops on the ground in Syria said.US military alliance will help Arabic-Kurdish militia, the main Syrian Kurdish Arabic and Syriac Christians and groups of people in the conservation units (YPG) is also included.McGurk had held one of the local forces, "said a very successful operation. "" They softness [Islamic state] focus on isolating the capital. "He said the local forces killed about 300 fighters, in the last two weeks about 1,100 square kilometers (435 square miles) is coming.McGurk US-led coalition "choke and strangle them in short" through several coordinated attacks in Iraq and Syria to the major aims.Alliance was trying to cut the use tenderness and the Iraqi city of Mosul, in order to cut the main road to the Syrian border, McGurk said.IS on the progress of the defeat is not, however, there would be opposition and its supporters, the lion, was no agreement on the fate, but allies such as Iran and Russia if he wants to run in new elections should be allowed.
 Assad to run in the new elections "my rights", but it's what he wants to say "too fast" was."(It) is my feeling about the Syrian people, depending on how. I mean, they want me or not? He said that in the next few years not talking about something Can."Assad and his regime "Moscow 3" conference, a new dialogue between the opposition to organize to support the efforts of Moscow, but he "terrorism" with the defeat stressed that a political solution is reached."We need to talk, but it is a major defeat of the terrorists and the government has been captured by terrorists that have taken control of the main areas must be followed by concrete action, at least."


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