Cyclone batters Chapala-arid and war-torn Yemen, thousands fleeing their homes

Cyclone batters Chapala-arid and war-torn Yemen, thousands fleeing their homes

Hurricane-force winds with hurricane landfall on the coast of Yemen on the Arabian Sea on Tuesday, flooding the fifth largest city in the country Mukalla and sending thousands fleeing for shelter.
Officials say the meteorologists said the storm is the most densely contracts in the country's arid, which is hampered by poverty and civil war raging storm response.
In the provincial capital of Mukalla, who ruled largely by al-Qaeda militants since the army withdrew in April, 300,000 people, flooded cars in the streets of the city and caused dozens of families to flee to the hospital for fear of rockfalls.

Residents said destroyed the waterfront promenade and many homes because of the hurricane, and called for Chapala, officials in the remote Shabwa province dry, said about 6,000 people moved to higher ground.; "The night was difficult but passed off peacefully. I knocked the wind out of power completely in the city and were afraid people would some residents to leave their homes and escape to higher areas where the flood less," said Sabri Saleem, who lives in Mukalla.
There were no initial reports of casualties.

A militant from al-Qaeda on Twitter prayed for salvation of the storm and said the drone US drone was flying at a low altitude over the city especially, where the deputy leader of the armed group were killed in an air strike in June.
"God may have caused the crash," the man said, going by the name Laith al-Mukalla.
"God spare us your anger, and the development of rain in the heart of the valleys and mountains."
Hurricane hit for the first time in Yemen's remote Socotra Island, killing three people and displacing thousands.
An island of natural beauty, Socotra is home to hundreds of plant species found nowhere else on earth and 380 km off the coast of Yemen in the Arabian Sea. 50,000 of the population speak their own language.
The Meteorological Agency predicted that Chapala hit the ground about Balhaf, LNG terminal site of natural gas in Yemen, weakening as it advanced toward the capital Sanaa in the north of the country.
Facility has been mostly closed since the beginning of the war in March between the Saudi Arabian military coalition led by Iran and the movement allied with al-Huthi, which controls the Sanaa.
It was not clear immediately clear whether the station, once the lifeblood of the economy of Yemen weak, which has suffered from damage.


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