Todays Paris News: The Major Strongholds Softness Air Strike On 33 Gunmen "Killed''

Air strikes on the most prominent strongholds tenderness' killed 33 gunmen "

Activists say the air strikes by France and other countries in the Islamic state (is) stronghold of Raqqa in Syria since Sunday have killed at least 33 militants.He said the Syrian Observatory based in the United Kingdom for Human Rights when he died more checkpoints around the city were damaged.Also it reported that the leaders of the families start to leave the tenderness of the last strongholds of the jihadi group, the Iraqi city of Mosul.The news agency reported IS- link any casualties from the air strikes.Agency Amaq on Monday and Tuesday and said that French warplanes targeted only "empty sites".'Defenses strengthened. "He said the Syrian Observatory, which has a network of informers on the ground, it is believed that more than 33 militants were killed in the raids, but the remains of their bodies were so badly that it can not give an exact figure.He added that he had been stripped of individuals regardless of the guards at the gates - is to hit the facilities - including command centers and ammunition stores.Some of missile and air strikes have been carried out by the Russians as well as the French, who began a bombing campaign on a Sunday night, two days later claimed responsibility for the killing of 129 people in Paris, the BBC's Jim Muir in northern Iraq.He also said that the Syrian Observatory members and dozens of senior members of the families began to leave the tenderness of Mosul because of security concerns.However, our correspondent journey made more difficult because of his arrest by Kurdish forces last week from the town of Sinjar in northwest Iraq, cut another main direct route he says.The former residents of tenderness and The Associated Press that IS was also strengthened its defenses in the city in anticipation of a ground assault by US and Kurdish militias, rebel fighters of the Syrian-backed advancing from the north and east.He said activist working in Turkey and called Khalid also been banned civilians from leaving the city, leading to fears that intended to be used as human shields."Overthrow Assad by circumstances."The US Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday he was convinced that within the next few weeks is that the "feel greater pressure," with the international community to intensify its efforts to "hit them in the heart."

But on Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned Western countries that if they wanted to fill in a "real global alliance" against the IS will have to drop their demand that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down.Analysis: Jonathan Marcus, BBC diplomaticRussia also intensify the air campaign in Syria it interfere Similarly diplomatic offensive.In the wake of the overthrow her plane, and Russia had joined the fight late Dd- IS. The French, who have suffered similarly IS attacks, seems to be turned on the very reality and pay now for further cooperation with Moscow.On Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned Western countries that if they wanted to fill in a "real global alliance" against the IS will have to drop their demand that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down.Sergei Lavrov wants clear to convert this coincidence of interests in a more formal coalition. Moscow has always insisted on the demand that the coalition led by the United States, which President Assad to stand down before there is any practical progress towards peace in Syria is the head error.Russia was an important point of view about the long-term future of these "preconditions," the Syrian president seen as prohibiting progress.

But while Western nations weigh up the priority that must be given a comprehensive campaign against the IS, it is difficult to see how you can remove such "preconditions" will encourage the Syrian opposition groups to the negotiating table.After a meeting with his Lebanese counterpart in Moscow, Lavrov said at a news conference that he found "a change in the attitude of Western colleagues" Since the Paris attacks and the bombing of a Russian passenger plane flying over Egypt, also claimed IS."In my opinion, there can now be no doubt that it is simply unacceptable to ask any preconditions in order to unite in the fight against so-called terrorists of the Islamic state," he added.Western powers backing the Syrian opposition had insisted earlier that Assad stand aside as part of any political solution to the conflict in Syria.


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