Russia-Turkey Tention: High Tension While Russia Says It Has Deployed Anti-Aircraft Missiles To Syria

High tension while Russia says it has deployed anti-aircraft missiles to Syria

It highlights the story of Turkey to release the tape: "You are approaching Turkish airspace change your heading south on the spot." He says Russian rescue co-pilot, "there were not warnings," says his plane was shot down by Russian Foreign Minister bring down the plane "looks very much like a planned provocation."

Istanbul tensions in the Middle East increased from serious Wednesday, after one shot and Turkey on the bottom of a Russian warplane, with Turkish President accuses Russia of deception and Russia announced that it will deploy anti-aircraft missiles to Syria.He said Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on twitter feed his ministry that the country will deploy S-400 missile defense systems to Hmeymim air base near Latakia, on the Syrian coast on the Mediterranean Sea.

Missiles have a range of 250 kilometers (155 miles), according to the site Turkish border is less than 30 miles away.He said Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Russian television on Wednesday that Russia had "serious doubts" that the overthrow of Turkey warplane her Tuesday that "in accordance with involuntary manslaughter.""It looks very much like a planned provocation," Lavrov said.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned what he called the violation of airspace by Russian military aircraft, calling the incident an encroachment on the sovereignty of his country.He accused Russia was supporting the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad - System added that the cause of terrorism on its own people. His comments came a day after accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin Turkey as "terrorists partners" to bring down the plane he was allegedly on a mission to fight terrorism.Erdogan disputed this claim in the political discourse.Erdogan said "There is no Daesh" in the region where Russian planes were flying, using the last name of the ISIS. "Do not deceive us! We know Daesh sites."

An alarming wave of international turbulence:

 The experts agreed. 

"I did not have any of the goals that ... the Russians were going after anything to do with ISIS. That was all that Turkmen groups," said CNN military analyst Cedric Leighton, a retired colonel in the US Air Force.

Turkmen minority in that part of northern Syria has strong ties with the Turkish government, which wants to afford them some protection. "- And Turkmen brothers and sisters," Erdogan said anyone bombs that attacks the region.He said Turkish Prime Minister Ahmed Davutoglu does not want his country to "drive a wedge" in its relationship with Russia, according to the Anatolia news agency reported the semi-official. Foreign Ministers of the two countries and the two ministers had already talked by phone and plans to meet in person in the coming days, according to the news agency also quoted a spokesman for the Turkish Foreign Ministry Tanju Bilgic.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Lavrov "dismay" over the incident in a phone call.He visited two Russian army officers in the form of a high-ranking Turkish General Staff since the shootdown Anatolia reported."Every question about this incident has been answered," said the General Staff, according to Anatolia. He said he has been accessed images from the radar screens of the Russian Protocols during the visits in Ankara.Even as Erdogan insisted that Turkey does not want to escalate the situation, anger in his words - and those of Putin - have shown that the conflict in Syria may now result in up exciting new wave of concern from the international turmoil.High stakes in Syria, where they are entangled the United States, Russia and a bevy of other global, regional and local forces in the civil war.

Turkey releases tape:Turkey said NATO member, it has repeatedly warned that a Russian warship, and fire it only after it had ignored several warnings and violated Turkish airspace.

Russia rejected that version of events, with rescue pilot Captain Konstantin Murakhtin aide told reporters the official media that "there were not warnings - and not through the radio, not visually.""If they wanted to warn us, they can show themselves by topic on a parallel track," said Murakhtin, according to the official news agency Sputnik. "But there was nothing."Russia: killing the pilot and Marine killed in rescue attemptRussian officials have also confirmed that striker Sukhoi Su-24 and attacked one kilometer inside Syrian territory.But Erdogan said that parts of the fuselage landed inside Turkey, injuring two people.On Wednesday, the Turkish military released an audio recording of what he says was a warning of a Russian warplane.In one part, and I heard a voice say: "This is speaking of the Turkish air force on high alert you approaching Turkish airspace change your heading south immediately change your heading south.".Russia did not comment after the sound.

The plane's crew:

In addition to the tension and questions about the fate of two Russian pilots aboard the bomber.Turkmen rebels operating in Syria, where the plane went down in the claim in a video that they shot both pilots to death as they parachuted to the ground looks.Russian military said it believed one of the pilots dead. The Russian Defense Ministry on Wednesday that the second pilot had been rescued, and was safe.The military also said a Russian Marines were killed when a helicopter to attack during the search and rescue efforts.5 Things You Should Know for shooting down Russian aircraftThe death of Russia recognized the first victims because he fought a bitter conflict in Syria by less than two months.
It highlights the risks in Putin's decision to support Assad, comes less than a month after another player in the war, the terrorist group ISIS, claimed responsibility for the deadly bombing of a Russian passenger plane to Egypt.
The importance of de-escalating the situation.
"The United States and NATO and expressed support for Turkey's right to defend its sovereignty," the White House said US President Barack Obama's call to Erdogan and Tuesday.", The leaders agreed on the importance of developing and monitoring arrangements to ensure that such incidents do not occur again, de-escalation," he said.But remove all risk of clashes in the courtyard of the Syrian crowded battle seems difficult, with regional adversaries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia concerned. And the killing of a civil war in Syria, hundreds of thousands of people and forced millions to flee their homes and their country.
Expert: Putin is a "bully" but also "rational"
Lt. Gen. Sergei Rudskoy, a senior official in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation that level military contacts with Turkey will be terminated - barely move likely to help avoid skirmishes in the future.Analysts said Putin may also seek to hurt Turkey economically."Turkey receives about 60% of the natural gas supply from Russia," said Nicholas Burns, former US ambassador to NATO. "So there are things the Russians can do to make their displeasure felt."In the near term, it seems likely that derailed the hopes of French President Francois Hollande, the formation of a broader coalition against ISIS engagement - including the United States, Russia and others - in the wake of the terrorist attacks on Paris. Putin is due to visit Moscow on Thursday in Holland.


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