Fallon Says: Syria air strikes: Not enough votes yet

Syria air strikes: Not enough votes yet

Syria's defense minister Michael Fallon Islamic state (is) to support air strikes against the deputies did not have enough votes from the government yet.He said that the BBC's Andrew Marr, a proposal for dialogue with the Labour MP said, "but we continue to build the capacity of the case got to."He said that the air strikes against Syria to vote Labour MP is ordered, then admitted that it would be difficult to get support.
 Jeremy Corbyn, Labour opposed the attacks, but their representatives did not decide to free elections.Mr. Fallon Andrew Marr he was dangerous and do not try to lose is firmly."... And we have to defend ourselves and we are already the highest goal," he said."There are always risks in war, but something about Essel our streets and we saw in Paris left vulnerable to this type of slaughter is a greater risk of not doing." I'm not going anywhere, says Corbin bombed Syria: Syrian parties in Britain stand British troops can make a difference?Britain has so far refrained from bombing - the House of Representatives, however, is involved in air strikes against Iraq in the Syrian government in 2013 for air strikes against targets after Syria refused to vote - even Essel and is known as Isis.

Fallon PM Thursday, representatives of more than 100 home two and a half hours to answer the questions asked, but still has a lot to convince them that there admitted."We continue to expand military operations seriously should not," he said. "There are legitimate questions to answer, and we do the best to answer them. "Mr. Corbin government had convinced him that the bombing was the way forward was not."I do not think it will solve the problem there," he said."He also said that we in Raqqa bombarded civilian lives if we are going to take out that there is a recognition that, and we really can not have too much damage to Essel and is actually better , the situation can not be worse."Libyan experience where there plan follow-up and these things can be very serious, were not showing."

'No decision yet'Nearly half of them are believed to support the work - - Labour MPs will be asked whether free choice, and that they will be obliged to follow the party line means that Mr Corbin said: "Progress has been no decision on that yet, and I'm going to find out that the members of parliament thinks."It is clear that there are strong views on both sides. We will have further discussion on this subject. We have to make this decision at this time, but you can not at a later time."Mr. Corbin survey publicity opinions on air strikes on Friday sent out to supporters of the Workers Party he had received 70,000 responses, and decisions will be made that "as a party." But he said he alone should be provided free choice, the final say.Labour's shadow government in favor of free choice.He does not believe air strikes in Syria is more work that Justice Minister Lord Falconer shade differences can be reconciled.

"The important thing about this week about who said what to whom would not, but it would be the place where I stood on this issue."Chuka Umunna former shadow business minister within the party, "a wide range of views on issues of war and peace, that there is a defect in that".He said he was with Mr. Corbin to vote their conscience but he personally believed that the military intervention "to support the brain was".

'Not convinced'Said Stuart Hosie, the SNP deputy leader of Westminster party does not agree with the rationale for military action."We have listened and we are still listening. We have questions, and last week announced autumn day advisers in Syria what has been set aside for reconstruction and stability. Their answer came there none asked.

"They SNP but a lot of people, not only to avoid chaos in Libya who want to see a plan until, then surely we can not possibly support the struggle in the current environment."Independence Party Nigel Farage has rejected the government's strategy."The prime minister, Michael Fallon, they were saying that, I do not think we I'm sorry.'re Talking about, send the three other planes. I repeated these arguments for military intervention heard. "


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