Latest Paris: French policy shifts immediately after the Paris attacks

French policy shifts immediately after the Paris attacks

Marion, holding in one hand and an olive branch, waving above the crowd, the figure represents the French Republic, and the woman who wrote another book: "Human Rights".
Probably the most popular symbols of this moment in the history of the Republic.
Republic Square under the statue, candles and flowers to the core after the attacks that shook the country, lie in tribute.
President Francois Hollande hard-line response to the gun with a laser instead of new laws that would like to see him might suggest.
French politics in a state of flux. He and the others the enormous challenge posed by mass killings answer is likely to dictate how France, and possibly Europe, and turns in the next few months and years.
Charlie Hebdo magazine and supermarket Jewish and have been targeted, in solidarity with those who disobey the mood in Paris after the slaughter. "We are all Charlie," she was feeling.
Friday night strikes, a rock concert, a football match, people eating and drinking, and had a different meaning. "We are targeting," he is close to the mood of the times. No declaration of faith, but the perception of weakness.
People look at politicians to find a solution when it is a moment."The destruction of radical Islam."
But for the president? Mr. Holland ever any French president is a worse opinion polls. In early October, just in that one puts his popularity at 17%.
He said that shortly after his harsh reaction to the murder of Charlie Hebdo had risen to dizzying heights by 22%. Another poll, a little later in the week suggested his popularity is growing.
So this concept of solidarity is not only a few hours is a bit surprising, and his opponents was relentless.
No National Front party (FN) Marine Le Pen, (north and south-west to a very good job of party expected) has suspended his campaign for regional elections, but France the control of borders, and the destruction of radical Islam is achieved, called for rearmament.

National Front
1972: Soldiers and far-right politician Jean-Marie Le Pen, founded by the former. Servings strongly nationalist, anti-immigration agenda in the years following the economic and trade protectionism.
1987: Mr Le Pen's first public statement calling the Holocaust "a detail of history."
To racial hatred or incitement to racism at a later date several times convicted2002: Mr Le Pen a run against Jacques Chirac Socialist candidate Lionel Jospin in the presidential election to reach the FN French politician beats quake
2011: Marine Le Pen, the party brand of anti-Semitism charges, distance "detoxify" trying to do, succeeded his father as leader of the FN. Critics say that the party focus simply switched to Muslims say
2012: vote in the presidential election with 17.9% of the third
2015: He comments about Muslims praying in the street for Ms. Le Pen accused of racial hatred. To play well in local elections, the anti-immigration and anti-EU FN's message is expected, which is scheduled to take place in December, came a week before the test
Jean-Marie Le Pen Interview
Profile: Marine Le Pen
Former President Nicolas Sarkozy, recently named a new European immigration policy is the Republicans, and called the leader of the ruling party, security beefed-up foreign new Ossiash. Thanks a lot for national unity.
The president, often portrayed as weak and flabby, rather than to reduce the sense of national crisis, strict measures, announced a series of support that is not surprising.
He said the state of emergency to allow for the continuation wants to change the Constitution - French people stripped of their citizenship and they have another nationality and if found guilty of terrorism from the country, police barred access may be made to allow the re-view - this in his speech a "state of siege" in fact has been described as deadly, and snow and on the recruitment of 5,000 officers in defense spending to develop a plan to cut.
 Perhaps most importantly, a report from a group of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to power use is to destroy the Islamic state.
Cards prior to convergence with Russia, and the Russian President Vladimir Putin's hand and a strong desire to travel.
It's hardly "Keep calm and continue to."Lion Ride
One of the foreign observers: "Some of the ideas (some would say most of them), the European right wing parties pulpits, and even seem to come from the far right."
To justify a national emergency, but for serious maneuver enough to ride the tiger of permanent crisis looks is no doubt.
It has been a while that the others - that is exactly what some people want terrorists might argue.
In fact, this is exactly what Ms. Le Pen says. Aspects considered reasonable doubt undermine his party - his father, sophisticated politician is more accurate. Her tone now, and anger in grief is not much, "we told you."
After the speech, Mr. Hollande, several measures were welcome, and will be supported by the FN.

But Mr. Holland is still leaking like a sieve to protect the border, and "fad" involved in welcoming immigrants and to fight against radical Islam and multiculturalism is refusing went on to say that.
It will stabilize in the coming elections, this argument is difficult to predict. But in this sense it could be a long time coming head shake.
In his interview with Professor Andrew Hussey, the historical parts of the South has become a feudal FN note that the attack was Paris in the sense that different countries may increase - almost that terrorism is a problem of the capital, And it was the best he stayed there.
Press statement, the time of the horrific crimes in the dreariest influence elections can tell how, but you already have a huge impact on the scene - ranging from hard-line measures only with the populist, right unpopular leftist President got changed.
Home Suggestions can neutralize them and change their public image, which his two rivals, is absorbed.
The French Republic, in many aspects, in moments of severe reactions to totalitarianism is no stranger - but just such a reversal in the country, creating a demand for more powerful or tax measures in fact, to satisfy the public mood to predict whether it is harder than most countries against the concepts of freedom and brotherhood is seen as a crime.


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