The Side of Your Face Will Always Look Older- Why?
Side of Your Face Will Always Look Older
Whether you realize it or not, every time you get in your car, and you're competitors ultraviolet A (UV-A) radiation through windows and windshield. The sun's ultraviolet (UV) A is responsible for premature aging and wrinkles, as well as skin cancer and cataracts.
According to a senior researcher and eyes Brian Boxer Wachler, MD, noticed something interesting in one of his patients, who was born the idea for the study. "I have a patient and evaluate with keratoconus and I noticed her age spots on the left cheek," says Yahoo's beauty. "Many of the studies that found more skin cancer on the left side of the face as compared to the right side of his face I've found. In Australia, where people drive on the left side of the road, it's just the opposite - there are more skin cancer on the right side of the face ".
Since the UV-A protection of cars in the United States vary across models, Boxer Wachler to measure radiation decided to enter the car through the windshield and side windows of the driver in the 29 car from 15 automakers. Cars dated 1990-2014, making an average of the year 2010.
As it turns out, windshield in the car seems to prevent nearly 96 percent of UV radiation while driving, while only about 71 of these harmful rays of the side windows of the vehicle mass percent. It was only 14 percent of the cars (four out of 29), the side windows are protected by more than 90% of UV radiation.
Boxer Wachler says that the side window protection was super variable. "There was no relationship between the high-end cars and low-end cars to protect the UV side window - in other words, the number of cars more expensive as the poor side of the window to protect UV of the most affordable car," he explains. "We also found a shaded windows does not guarantee the protection of UV rays complete, since it was for a number of tinted windows to protect low UV."
Boxer Wachler says he hopes this study will "fill the void" Why do doctors see more skin cancer and cataracts on the left side of the face in the United States, due to lower protection UV on average in the side windows of the driver. Interestingly, doctors and researchers have long noted that most skin cancers and cataracts tend to appear on the left side of the face - right where the driver of the vehicle can be exposed to more UV radiation. Dermatologist Orit Markowitz, Ph.D., director of the melanoma and pigmentosa lesions at Mount Sinai Hospital, have also noticed that the trend in the skin issues on the left side. "The car is equipped better today than it was some years ago to prevent some of the harmful rays," says Yahoo's beauty. "But there is a clear history of the driver in exchange for the passengers [skin damage] for many patients, which affects the skin cancer and damage to the image."
We know that UV-A damage is extremely harmful. "These are the rays used in tanning beds, and they are more closely related to aging, wrinkling, and skin cancer from UV-B radiation," says Markowitz. "Here it is, why the medical treatment of light and mostly limited to a narrow range of UV. When radiation (UV) A comes in contact with the skin, and begin to change the DNA, and this change can last years after exposure."
He says Boxer Wachler hopes automakers recognize the UV-A protection of as "the potential for millions of drivers of public safety issue," in the United States and would recommend blocking better than those harmful rays.
What does this mean for you? Do not forget that you are still exposed to ultraviolet (UV) A serious light through the windows - and even that protection UV is not the drawers. "It would be wise to consider having the entire post-sales UV blocking a clear film on the side of your car windows to protect you and the children in the back seats." If you want to check your car or home UV protection, Boxer Wachler says you can call his office to test the UV-free.
Finally, just think of this study as another friendly reminder to always apply sunscreen every morning - well before hitting the road.
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