Steve Jobs Favorite Project “ Apples Officially Killed”

Steve Jobs Favorite Project

 “ Apples Officially Killed”

By Steve Jobs of Apple back in the 1990s, it was one of the leaders in his company, Next projects, Web Objects, a set of tools for making what was called at the time "of Internet applications." Today we just call them sites.

Apple lists the server on Tuesday, via e-mail Java Developer Hugi Thordarson explosion, saying that Apple has assured him that Web Objects officially declared dead.

He wrote (emphasis added):

In the past years I've regularly sent letters to [Apple CEO] Tim Cook, asking about the state of WO (being the naggy guy I am) and recently, I was contacted by Apple executive relations regarding my questions. The guy I spoke to called a couple of times, at first, he had absolutely no idea what WO was but the second time he called, he had obtained information and had a clear statement: "Web Objects is a discontinued product and will never be upgraded."

Ramework and even used to run parts of the Apple online store today. But WebObjects has not been updated for external developers since 2008, although there is an international community actively continue to maintain the tools.

"Our company decided that people are going to layer stuff above this very simple Web server to help others build Web applications, which is where the bottleneck is right now," Jobs said in 1996. "That's what Web Objects is all about."

Today, there are a variety of ways that do the same thing, so often the old developers that continue to use Web Objects.

The confirmation came at a low level from Apple was not surprising objects Web developers are still on the mailing list, though. Apple has been silent on the WebObjects for years - and there are threads on the internet wondering whether Mitt technology dating back to 2008. In 2009, Apple stopped including Web Objects with the X server Macintosh operating system.

Thordarson's antibodies and other Web developers, though official confirmation is something of a relief, even while confirming something they already know. He says he will continue to work on a miracle, an open source project based on Web Objects.

"As for this being the end of an era — not really," Thordarson told Business Insider. "That era ended a long time ago."

Here's a video of Steve Jobs presenting Web Objects at Microsoft professional Developers Conference in 1996:


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