Apple's Future Is More Exciting Out of Your Imagine

Apple's Future Is More Exciting 

Out of Your Imagine

To scale new heights quarter ended March catastrophic Apple to report earnings since last week. From a soft Hum, Apple prepping doom not always consistent, but a sharp drop in iPhone sales in shift to a full course we started.

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And so every time it is good or bad, according to Apple's earnings report, the "peak" Apple's claims. Seriously - all at once. Even when in 2014 Apple killer holiday quarter and a horrible, horrible, no good, very bad, back in January, reports a record quarter.

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 After Apple's March quarter this year however, things looked especially dark. Anyone paying attention, however, it is already written on the wall:
Behind the Apple iPhone 2015-2016 cycle will not be able to maintain the momentum that is clear. A large pent-up demand for the iPhone with the performance in 2014, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus has published more sales after the release, and the "S" you can never keep up. In fact, rumor has it that Apple's iPhone sales in the current iPhone completely changed the way the strategy is light. Rather iPhone 7/7 plus a book this year and next year "S" to start the upgrade, we are in 2017 and other new features AMOLED screen with a new iPhone can see.
Behind the Apple iPhone 2015-2016 cycle will not be able to maintain the momentum that is clear. A large pent-up demand for the iPhone with the performance in 2014, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus has published more sales after the release, and the "S" you can never keep up. In fact, rumor has it that Apple's iPhone sales in the current iPhone completely changed the way the strategy is light. Rather iPhone 7/7 plus a book this year and next year "S" to start the upgrade, we are in 2017 and other new features AMOLED screen with a new iPhone can see.

IPhone 7 and 7 will be sure to be good than to upgrade, but Apple's iPhone in the future development of great new features that will add to signs of new technology along with other new Apple products. (Of course, do not forget the charger Apple smart phone market is currently the largest game a decade ago since the release of the original iPhone can be seen working on that to know.)

Then, after Apple's earnings report in April, and the company was invited to get depressed CEO Tim Cook. His comments are expected for the most part we were exactly, but he did slip in some interesting observations. Most importantly, perhaps, it was a quick reminder that Apple has big things in the pipeline.

She said, "We bring our products and services through the map to the 15 acquired in the past four seasons, and we have great technology, talent and strategic fit that companies are always looking to" make the call. In light of the comments, now that Apple bought in the past year or covered up for renewal is a good time all the interesting companies.
 In the first group we cover them, but known since the beginning of operations in 2015 in the acquisition of Apple's look at each:

We covered a bunch of them in an earlier post, but let's look at all of Apple's known acquisitions since the beginning of 2015:

    Camel Audio: Software company that makes digital synthesizers and audio effects processors
    Emollient: Artificial-intelligence startup with software that can read emotions from facial expressions
    Face shift: Swiss motion capture company that worked on Star Wars
    Flyby Media: Augmented-reality startup that can identify objects in the real world
    Foundation DB: Company that specializes in database tech for web apps
    Learn Sprout: Makes software that allows teachers to track student performance
    Legba Core: Software security company that specializes in firmware
    LinX Imaging: Israel-based startup that makes multi-aperture cameras
    Coherent Navigation: Ultra-precise GPS navigation company
    Metaio: German augmented-reality company
    Mapsense: Makes software tools for visualizing location data on maps
    Perceptio: Deep learning startup developing advanced artificial intelligence software
    Semetric: Music analytics software solutions provider
    VocalIQ: Deep learning startup that helps computers understand and generate natural speech

At least 3-4 additional acquisitions by Apple last year, is still a mystery.

Now, some of them buy from you clear support existing products, but many companies in the list of Apple seriously on the road next to mention some interesting things. It's in their mind the next time you how to prevent Apple's innovation and read an article about what will be written on the company to be a bad idea.


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