Let’s Make Money Flying Around You

 Let’s Make Money Flying Around You

The unequal wealth of nations is explored in Austrian docu-helmer Erwin Wagenhofer's timely, worthy, but too generalist "Let's Make Money."

 More Money

This time, the Austrian Erwin Wagenhofer Helmer documentary is to explore the riches of the unequal countries, is worth, but many experts "make us money." Nomadic essay West say unequivocally that developing countries in the global economy and rips off an unsustainable manner to manipulate cotton farmers in Burkina Faso, the views aired in Asia and Europe financial Hotshots. Obviously ended before the current economic collapse, this photo artily filmed but ponderous machinery of modern capitalism and delve deeper into some of the recent TV coverage not. Although already in Germany, Austria continues, and the festival circuit, will not make a lot of money behind.

However, director Lenser Wagenhofer definitely puts articles to get ahead. Like his debut feature length documentary, agribusiness focused "feed the world", "Money" is aimed at a broader canvas, on four continents through at least a dozen stories of the Universe with the poorest of the poor repetition of the financial masters.

Within hours of the first quarter, the beautiful, the Singapore-based Mark Mobius (which promotes speculation in emerging markets) and in Chennai, India, funded by interviews with shots of slums between pickup meandering. Later, workers labor costs chagrinned Austrian business men who toil in factories owned are not as low as it was.

There is no voice their opinion to pull all these different strands together, to compare and contrast Liberation docus such as recently in the same way many of the recent high culture to talk about leaving the "Daily bread." However, pickup a piece of reportage comes more to the fore as a polemic against. Western wealthy businessmen questioned lighter regime instability in fortune for the sins and expressed remorse.

However, some auds or behind their eyes may feel shortchanged by this very lack. Each subject (World Bank, and cotton production, the real estate bubble in Spain and so on) and more than one scene, skimmed, but not explained way. Global Finance is a lot of viewers who might be wise for the economy class in high school are not left.

"The Ascent of Money," Blaata a recent series on Channel 4, he turned to the subject much more robust way, during the space of six hours.

Digital photography has been displayed continuously arrested Wagenhofer, though editing is weak and lack a sense of austerity loud music more toned. Offered for spelling errors in translation version is still caught Sundance is a time can be dramatically clear.

Let's Make Money


An Allegro Films production, in association with Delphi Filmverleih Berlin, with participation of Austrian Film Institute, Vienna Film Fund. (International sales: Celluloid Dreams, Paris.) Produced by Helmut Grasser. Directed, written by Erwin Wagenhofer.


Camera (color, HD), Wagenhofer; editor, Paul M. Sedlacek; sound (Dolby Digital), Lisa Ganser; sound designer, Nina Slatosch. Reviewed on DVD, Hoveton, U.K., Dec. 3, 2008. (In Intl. Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam; Sundance Film Festival -- World Cinema, competing.) Running time: 107 MIN.


Mark Mobius, Mirko Kovats, Gerhard Schwarz, John Christensen, Yves Delisle, Francis Kologo, Werner Ruegemer, Hermann Scheer, John Perkins, Anton Schneider, Miguel Angel Torres, Ramon Fenandez Duran. (English, German, Hindi, French, Spanish dialogue)


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