US elections 2016: Bernie Sanders Records In 3 States-Washington, Alaska and Hawaii

US elections 2016: Bernie Sanders  Records In 3 States-Washington, Alaska and Hawaii:

Bernie Sanders has swept to victory over Hillary Clinton in all three states that voted for the Democratic presidential nominee on Saturday.

The largest Washington State Prize, but Mr. Sanders also won in Alaska and Hawaii, and to promote his campaign.

It was expected to be taken more than 70% of votes in all three.
Mr. Sanders thanked his supporters and said, "Momentum Campaign," but he still faces a tough task to repair Mrs. Clinton.

I went to the voices on Saturday, Mr. Sanders led from 1223 to 920 delegates.
When superdelegates - party officials who can support any of the candidates - are listed who have declared their loyalty so far, Mrs. Clinton was ahead of 1692 to 949 in the race to reach the 2383 delegates.

Bigger battles ahead


Washington, the most important of the three states voting on Saturday, with 101 delegates up for grabs. There were 16 delegates on offer in Alaska and 25 in Hawaii.


It was expected that won 72% of the vote in Washington, against 27% for Hillary Clinton, Mr. Sanders.
The US television networks gave him about 79% of the vote in Alaska, compared with 21% for Hillary Clinton. Also put initial projections of Hawaii Mr. Sanders above 70%.

Celebration with Twitter, Sanders said :! "Thank you, Alaska together we are sending a message that this government is the king of all of us ... Washington, thank you for your huge support it difficult for one can deny that our campaign has the momentum."

Mr. Sanders said earlier supporters in Wisconsin: "This is what pay around Do not let anyone tell you we can not win the nomination or win in the general election and we're going to do both of those things.".
Mr. Sanders spent a week on the west coast, shore up support among liberals and leftists.
Mr. Sanders to build on the overwhelming victories in caucuses tries on Tuesday in the state of Idaho and Utah.

However, he suffered defeat in the state of Arizona, and despite the fact that the representative of his record from the three countries was 20 higher than Mrs. Clinton, he failed to make major progress in its lead.
Clinton noted that it has "2600000 more votes," Mr. Sanders.
It's less a campaign in the three states that voted on Saturday, and perhaps expect defeats, and spent the Easter holiday with her family.

In spite of the results on Saturday, will determine the winner in the battle and lost in the much larger countries yet to come. In poll averages RealClearPolitics, Mrs. Clinton has a lead on Mr. Sanders, a difference of nine percentage points in California, 34 points in New York and 28 in Pennsylvania.

According to calculations by Mr. Sanders may need to win the remaining two-thirds of the delegates - in the primaries, gatherings and what is far uncommitted super-delegates - unelected officials who can vote for the candidate of their choice in the election convention of the party.
"break up"

There was no vote in the Republican race on Saturday.


Donald Trump leads Ted Cruz 739 delegates to 465, with a total of 1,237 needed to win the Republican nomination, according to the Associated Press.

Mr. Trump has given at the same time more details about his planned foreign policy.
He told the New York Times that he was not isolationist, but was concerned that the United States has abandoned its partners and allies.

He said: "I've been disrespected, mocked and ripped off for so many years by the people that were more intelligent and prudent, more stringent.
"So America first, yes, we will not be separated anymore. We're going to be friendly with everyone, but we will not be taken advantage of by anyone," he said.

Delegate tracker

 Winning the delegates and the people who support a candidate at the party conference in July, is the key to ensure the nomination.


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