Adele "Some Recognize The Open Portion Dress Is Attractive Eyes"

Some Recognize The Open Portion Dress Is Attractive Eyes

SUCCESS: The singer won several awards at The Brits

“I look like a tramp most of the time which means I don’t need to go out in disguise. People think I’m a hermit but it’s just because no one recognises me when I go out.”

Adele's second album 21, and the third biggest selling album of all time with 25 albums quickly became two.
This is an Oscar, Golden Globe and Grammy and several British have got. But the down-to-earth London girl, 27, was her breakthrough would not take.

Pop housewife said: I'm going to enjoy this tour ", these dates we will go away and I will one day look back and remember when this will do it for you are 105.

NOT RECOGNIZED: Adele says she never gets noticed in public because she 'dresses like a tramp'

Hello Singer worth an estimated 60 million £, but her stylist, hair and make-up without the team looks at the discretion of the homeless.

Singing sensation Adele found out, inset: "I really do my own hair and make-up, which is the first global problem.

"But the good thing is that nobody recognizes me when I get to the shops or the park, because they do not seem to like me.

POPULAR: Adele's Hello Tour has won rave reviews

“I’m so proud to have eight shows at the 02 because there was a period of my career where I couldn’t sell out one night at the Roundhouse. To be able to do this many shows here blows my mind.

"I know I'm not your age, and I'm only 27, but I love myself more than ever. I'm happier than ever, I love my life .. I have around me love. I love what I feel, how I think about.
"Every mistake I've ever made is part of the fabric of our country. It is part of who I am. I do not regret anything I've ever done."

RELIANT: Adele says she can't do her hair or make-up

Adele’s Hello Tour has won rave reviews from fans and critics. And the mum-of-one joked her concerts could result in a baby boom across the world.

He said: "I'm sure a lot of people are being drawn to the presentations I see, but the good news is that it is likely to have sex yet, so that's on me to win.
"Just be careful. Envisages see a lot of kids and their music."


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