Hillary Clinton: Super Tuesday Victory For Hillary Clinton In Union Worker Rally Party Activists

Super Tuesday Victory For Hillary Clinton In Union Worker Rally Party Activists:

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Super Tuesday after winning a rally with union workers in New York City.



In an odd way, Hillary Clinton's campaign is not basing her election about being the first woman president, and yet it is. It's not that Hillary has tilted toward Bernie's agenda, it's that she has provided all the steps needed to achieve what he aspires: addressing income inequality, money in politics. What Sanders conceives only in broad terms, she sees as agenda items as basic as raising the minimum wage, giving workers notice of scheduling, access to pre-K and child care, investing in infrastructure, clean energy (the list goes on and on), universal health care and reproductive rights.

But in the end, these are women's issues, because she says, "women's issues, economic issues," and the priority for women, for families, for workers, for neighborhoods and communities takes a woman is important.

It is clear Super Tuesday with a big win at the Javits Center in New York City at a rally the next day become.

Thousands of rooms, mostly union workers, teachers, carpenters, retail workers, including home health care and was filled with - the young and the elderly, young children and persons with disabilities, and people of every color and race.

The music filled the hall there was an error message: "Eye of the Tiger," "The Girl" ladies night, oh what a night, "Fire," and "Do not Stop Believing, (anthem Clinton family).

And to hold the rally on the same day the Supreme Court case and the most influence on a generation of women in the reproductive rights hearing. It emerged as an important item on the agenda, but the progressive initiatives that boil down to a matter of only one of a long list: "Breaking Barriers" - women, color, immigrants and people of the workers. There "mothers demanding action," and there were indications of "energy independence."

He's the guy who said the minimum wage is too high, an elected union hotels in Las Vegas, when he was in Las Vegas with whatever (the thing that is supposed to do) refused to "negotiate" wants to work against. The only problem with the guy who said that there are enough guns armed violence, which he said was behind the expansion of the use of torture and waterboarding are not terrorists and to kill the families, and that the army follow your orders will was illegal, that "I am the commander."

"Republican candidates, the value of this type of work we do? Not one of them," Shirley Nussum, and home health care workers and 1,199 SEIU member said. He said in reference to KKK drawing boos "Hillary Clinton, the US is interested in, the rhetoric of division and top candidate who would not give his support KKK leader demanded disgusting, made up". This gathering is not about them - it's a woman visionary trail is divided into American politics that we can be proud of every one of the civil rights, women's rights and gay rights, and yes, trade union rights (big cheers) and stood about her professional life to the public. "

"Hillary is best placed to deliver on our agenda. He knows that it's hard work, which means that the means to provide for our families. That improve life for working families is committed to "Sandra said that if La Guardia Airport airport workers. As the center of a big cheers "This is the first year that the United States could vote as a citizen." "I have the chance to vote for Hillary Clinton'm proud."

Stuart Appelbaum, retail, wholesale and shop Association President (RWDSU) UFCW announced, "It is moving forward and a clear choice between slipped again, and in the community or building walls or widening economic opportunities or barriers between each other across the divide between the use and the gap between the rich and the work. we have a choice between hate and hope are faced with.

"This is nothing less than the soul of our country, and we stand idly by and anger, venom and hatred of women took over the Republican principles governing our great country should not be allowed to become, we can not afford. the screw brothers and sisters, we have a shot to get it right, to make sure we have the strongest possible candidate for sure - to get. Trump Cruz Rubio party to prevent and stop immigrants and people working on what would be an unprecedented attack, having his finger on the nuclear code Dear brothers and sisters to stop Joker, a shot that is Hillary Clinton.

"We need to know that Hillary is the leader of the working people, who know that unions have an important and high-value, which is the only thing that people who work force gives it to fight for our rights contributions immigrants make to our economy and our communities, he said he recognizes that what we believe .. that we do best when we work together, people tear them to increase not when we attack the most vulnerable among us. "

Senator Bernie Sanders is sent in the direction of the hidden share, said :. "We need the strongest possible candidate to make sure we win in November, and Hillary candidate, brothers and sisters, let's make sure we do what we can do to make sure that the people in the White House Hero has been working for - let's make sure that Hillary Clinton is the next president of the United States to make. "

New York Attorney General Leticia James, at the city level, the first woman of color to fill positions, "said armed violence is a candidate who can not sense the mass shooting, which will take over the natural resources economic needs - the right of a candidate who is ready to demand that each worker would protect women's reproductive rights - - in every industry in every country all over the country deserve a fair wage, pay equity, family wage with leave, child care, women's issues, but economic issues, and the voting rights act will fight any attempt to roll back the candidate who gets the people bled and that the only things to vote, to be seen, to be heard, the right to participate ... respect for the candidate died.

"Stay on the right side of history - Hillary is the one who stood with us - together we are going to make history. - President Barack Obama together, the progress that has struggled so hard to achieve progress herstery and to preserve the balance of the Supreme Court are closed, and we can not afford to elect a Republican president.

"Even with a forward, never backwards, and we Flint, Michigan should do for children, we have immigrants who dream to do it, and we are operating in all parts of the country, families it should do. If you want justice, you want to progress, you true equality, want Hillary Clinton. "

"To divide this country, hostility or division will not be great," he declared President Bill DiBlasio municipality.

"Hillary professional life of their own and those who have left behind the sophistication of - women, blacks, Latinos need to work together in this country, we are all in this together, that you vote the hopeless, no need to fear, it is a country that can be considered to be all, people think in each country to invest in the skills and knowledge -Hillary Clinton, with cardiovascular and strength one is to get to this place, and Hillary is the one to do it. "

Governor Andrew Cuomo does not matter because they all say the same thing that the Republican candidate will be. "His philosophy is clear - fire fueling fear, fear of people playing - the economy, terrorism, and university education fees - but to tell you the problem is that people who are different and that is trying to sell - people like me - that stoke fear and anxiety, to turn people against each other, gender differences is a problem, who believe that they have the right to marry, and women, who believe that their own the body has the right to control, but immigrants who look different, sound different, that speak a different language.

"They say they want to make America great again - they do not know what made America great in the first place and to tarnish the image of migrants who want to do well, this is New York, and we are all immigrants , and we are proud of it and not the Indians, they did not know what they're talking about. what makes America great ... the rooms are all great opportunities for the US statue of liberty - forging. they want to build walls, we want to build bridges, it makes a difference. "

But New York City Mayor Bill DiBlasio did, or even New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Hillary Clinton, and Aleatha Williams is the name of the young woman who served as Clinton referred to "Aunt Hillary," and 10 years old with her mother talked about their meeting as, volunteering with the 2000 and 2006 campaigns for Senator. Clinton gave his mother a hug and became pen pals with him. Clinton is said to graduate from middle school, but scheduling prevented, but Clinton Williams, shortly after the withdrawal from the presidential race in 2008 Pelham Preparatory Academy for high school graduation did not come, and the beginning of a speech.

Aleatha Clinton when she made, he said: "" His historic campaign to become the Democratic candidate for president, during I studied all of us a glass ceiling high enough for someone who is committed to live up to their true potential to curb the desire is not. "

Clinton said at a rally in New York City entered Aleatha ", and continued to promise me, after all these years remember a girl from the Bronx. - A person who, when he promised, when we remember and stick to it will - the kind of person we need in the Oval Office to meet them it is, someone who will inspire others to bring about positive change in society, and we all understand the power of a world you can use to make better place. "

Clinton embraced him when he bounded to the stage.

"When unions are strong when powerful families ... .That is not a slogan for me," he said Hillary Clinton, how he deals Scranton, PA, itself mother's high school working as a maid has been developed through the granddaughter of a factory worker. "They offered to me and I will never forget it. The men and women of deep respect for the hard work.

"Minimum wage, which would raise out of poverty, 35 million Americans are leading the fight to mobilize," he told the audience. "The US labor movement, the author of the basic bargain that made America great: you work hard, you do your part, you go ahead and stay ahead in New York after 9/11, I represented for eight wonderful years There was so proud to be your partner should be able to, we are firefighters, police officers, construction workers and other first responders to essential health care, fought side by side, and a minimum wage for both are fighting and deserve freedom of choice of law, or stop President Bush's Social Security privatization was fighting my own.

"Here's my promise to you: I promise I will not as long as you can keep fighting will not fight side by side with you in the trenches you will be."

What has become a recurring crisis, and said: "The US did not cease to be great, but, again, is to make all of America instead of building walls, we constantly stress the obstacles families, our the country needs a break, and we need to build the ramp .... Let's start by getting income to rise again, and the need to increase the middle class, and I have both sides, which will increase your earnings but not raise taxes on the middle class would only candidate. "

As big dream, and said: "Imagine that we care bill affordable, universal health care coverage can finish the job.


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