Donald Trump Return From Chicago Violence on US Presidential Election.

  Donald Trump Return From Chicago Violence on US Presidential Election.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump return to the campaign trail Saturday in the Midwest after Chicago canceled a march of violence - as she told him the major currencies increased pressure on the front Trump run to temper the escalation of the situation.

"This is scary," candidate Marco Rubio, Florida Republican Senator told a news conference this morning. "Leadership has never been about taking the anger of the people and then getting to vote for him."

Rubio also suggested that now is not sure whether he can support Trump if he becomes the party's candidate.

Rubio, along with fellow rivals Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich and try to stop the march of Trump to the Republican Party before the nomination, before the primaries mainly make or break Tuesday in Florida and Ohio.

Trump has events Saturday in the Dayton area, Ohio-, then in Cleveland. Trump campaign has denied rumors about the cancellation of an event later in the day in Cincinnati, saying that such an event never on schedule.

Trump violence in the event in the University of Chicago, the scene appeared to come out after the abolition of Trump's appearance, amid angry protests both inside and outside the stadium. Five people were arrested reportedly killed.

While Rubio Trump pressed to condemn the violence, and also admitted that Trump had prevented them from their rights of freedom of expression and that some demonstrators Chicago have been paid.

Accused Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who has the second largest number of delegates in the race to win the Republican nomination for the presidency, on Friday, the front-runner of inciting insomnia who was seen inside the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion.

"Were arrested thirty people today on the violence and then canceled the march, the demonstrators came out of violence into their own hands ... any campaign should respect the voters and the campaign that promotes violence and counter allegations against members of the press and creating an environment that encourages said Cruz."

Cruz was speaking to reporters at a ceremony Republican dinner in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, and warned that the violence in these communities will not stop.

"Candidate urges violence to punch people in the face. This will not be the last incident ... This is not the way you should happen to our political life."

Rubio pointed out on Friday, told reporters that there is no violence in the town of campaign rallies and there are no incidents of Cruz, Kasich and Democratic contenders for the presidency, Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

"There is only one candidate who has the violence in the events to him. He said Rubio think are likely to be some of the rhetoric he used contributed to this environment and it's disturbing."

Kasich piled on the criticism of marches Trump, said in a statement that "the seeds of division that Donald Trump has been planted this campaign are all finally paid off, and it was ugly."

Then encouraged Americans to unite and not to fall for those who "are trying to divide us for personal gain."

"I urge people to resist this temptation and rise to a higher level," said Kasich.

Trump defended his decision to cancel his rally Friday, saying he did not want to see "People get hurt" after protesters packed in the arena where he was scheduled to take place. Squaring goers and protesters gathered in sporadic confrontations create a chaotic environment.

In later with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren, Trump said he arrived in Chicago earlier than two hours and killed about 25,000 people trying to enter the area.

After a meeting with law enforcement authorities, he said: "I did not want to see people get hurt (so) decided to postpone the march ...

"What we have done is intelligent, a very good decision," said Trump.

He also said: "If we have this gathering, and I think it would not be in good condition." But, he added, "First Amendment rights had been violated we have."

Winner returned to the issue of the First Amendment in a subsequent conversation with Fox News' Sean Hannity. "I have a right to speak, and they (his supporters) have a right to be heard," he said.

He added that "getting a lot of credit for the cancellation ... we did the right thing."

Hours ago, I stood Trump supporters and opponents together quietly in line waiting to get inside. Police horses and barricades the bulk of the protesters remained across the street. Trump opponents protesting against what they called his comments divisive, particularly for Muslims and Mexicans. Dozens of UIC faculty and staff members petitioned university administrators to cancel the march, citing fears would create "a hostile and dangerous environment physically."

Tension rose outside only after news spread of the cancellation

At one point, nearly 20 officers who were barricades suddenly bolted across the street to the intersection of the bridge on the highway - where protesters chanted in contention with the police already there. He considered walking away from the officer to the intersection with blood on his head. A police spokesman said later he could not provide details.


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