Syria Hospital & School Attack "Russia Rejects"

Syria Hospital & School Attack 

"Russia Rejects"

Terrible statistics that determine Syria

Russia says it "categorically rejects" accusations of war crimes over the bombing of hospitals in Syria.

Kremlin spokesman said Dmitry Peskov, "Those who give such statements are not able to back them up with evidence."

Up to 50 people, at least four hospitals and a school in northern Syria on Monday were killed in rocket attacks.

Meanwhile, Syria's ambassador to the UN said the Syrian government to allow for the distribution of aid is a duty - and that will be tested on Wednesday.

Staffan de Mistura, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem in Damascus has been meeting with.

"It is clear that it is the duty of the Syrian government, the Syrian people are every where they go, and the United Nations to provide humanitarian assistance permission." He said in a statement. "Tomorrow we will test this."

"Targeted hospitals. "

Accused Russia, Turkey and others, is responsible for the attack on areas controlled by the rebels.

The United Nations has said that "intentionally directing attacks" constitute a war crime in hospitals and medical units.

Turkey, a UN school in Azaz displaced people (IDPs) sheltering near the border with the - strike on Monday, two people were injured in hospitals - including for mothers and babies. Thirty-four people were killed and dozens were killed and injured.

It is alleged that this amateur video shows a Russian aircraft dropping cluster bombs

In Idlib province in March, hit two hospitals, further south, at least 12 people were killed and about 36 wounded.

He Sans Frontieres (MSF) hospital in March, supported by. Not that the organization said, "Direct targeting" was more than 90 minutes was hit by four missiles.

The organization said 11 people were killed, including five of the patients, and it is likely that the death toll was increased.

Doctors Without Borders charity show that attacks on hospitals, "knowingly"

He Mego Terzian, MSF head of France, Reuters that "either the government [Syria] or Russia," blamed.

But Mr Peskov told the BBC that the only evidence that Russia accepted the Earth "comes from the Syrian authorities." He said his evidence "shows the opposite."

Syrian Ambassador in Moscow Riad Haddad, said before the United States was to blame, a claim denied by the MoD as "clearly erroneous."

What the law says about the bombing of hospitals?


And the bombing of hospitals in the process clear

Turkish ground offensive support:

Turkish official said Tuesday that a ground operation in Syria, but only for the support of Turkey "with our international partners."

"Unilateral military action from Turkey to Syria will not," Unnamed officials told reporters in Istanbul.

  •     International humanitarian law bans any attack on patients and medical personnel or indeed any attack on medical facilities, unless they are used for military purposes
  •     However, even if they are identified as a military objective, such a target must not be attacked if the scale of collateral civilian casualties is likely to be disproportionate to the military gain
  •     Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited

The strikes came days after world powers - including Russia - agreed to work towards a selective truce in Syria, due to begin later this week.

Earlier, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, in his first comments on Friday's "cessation of hostilities" plan, said it was doubtful all parties would be putting down their weapons within a week. 

President Assad: "Within a week who is able to combine all of these conditions?"

Turkey is watching with alarm fighting the Syrian side of the border fast - accused of violating its airspace and the recent success of the Russian warning against Kurdish fighters.

Turkey believes that the Kurdish militia YPG also outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party, which for decades for autonomy in Turkey out associated with a campaign.

Syria supported the US Democratic and YPG (SDF) troops to share tell Rifaat, a major town in Aleppo province, captured, and went off to Azaz.

At the same time, the Syrian government forces - with support from the Russian Air Force - in all parts of the northern city of Aleppo on Tuesday to progress Ahras Misqan capturing villages and called for the release.

In the nearly five years of civil war in Syria has killed more than 250,000 people. More than 1.1 million people displaced. 


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