Syria Conflict: The Suspension of The Trade Talks, Both Sides BLME.

Syria Conflict: The Suspension of The Trade Talks, Both Sides BLME.

Fighting continued on the ground, until talks.
The EAC Opposisn Blmed Syria peace talks in Geneva for comment and other government needs to reverse.

He said he called the ambassador De Mistura Stffn pause, you say twenty-five image walled in February to resume talks.

They were happy to laugh Opposisn walls, but the back ground, bombing and starving artist these conditions Aksing civilian government forces have not improved.

He was suspended and used Opposisn Kausda government, Turkey and the Gulf States Order Tablet S were acting.

Tax payers at the meeting spot for London on Thursday aimed at men to war to secure additional financing for Toos Affekted bees.

Oh, more than seventy participating countries, which were navigating with rays billion. Sixty% of those who have been left out of last year fell short of funding goal on the opposite side.

Tablet war in Syria, about 250,000 people in more than five years Diad required.

One hundred and ten Oters Field Division President Bashar al-Assad and his opposition forces loyal Toos homes we need to, and then battle other H, Te has become much more of a group of Islamic countries.

The civil war has also been a major driving force behind Europe's migration crisis.
           The story of the conflict
           Displaced Syrians struggle to survive
           What hope for the talks?
Announcing the suspension of the talks, Mr de Mistura admitted "there's more work to be done".
But he said "it is not the end and it is not the failure of the talks".
The opposition High Negotiations Committee (HNC), however, soon cast doubts over whether they would return.


"The whole world sees who is making the negotiations fail. Who is bombing civilians and starving people to death," the HNC's chief coordinator Riad Hijab said.
The Syrian government said the talks' suspension was down to the opposition.
The head of the Syrian delegation, Bashar Jaafari, accused them of acting under the orders of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey "to bring about the talks' failure", Syrian state television reported.

Analysis: Geneva BBC Imogen Fulkes:
This habitat has subsided, but it is always difficult negotiations bay walls, but no one is expected to end, only two days later, the special envoy who stood out in the frost-driving news Opposisn reverse and rise to a Geneva hotel Gave.

De Mistura Stffn insistis a temporary pause, not a failure. These negotiations did not get written, but really. Except those who have planned meetings Hardli Negotiattrs Hppened In fact, it was these people and those who were thus never been abundant and both sides at the same time, in the same room lie was alone.

And it raised the blockade and the release of prisoners, Plaad shot a written agenda and a full list of participants for the need to develop the Syrian government Opposisn required: In addition to these conditions, the negotiation of heroic Angging.

Manvhile, land, kings in battle, with the Syrian army, backed by Russian bombing of the territory controlled by the rebels Retking. Twenty-five of those who were arranged peace talks in February, but if you push military continus, things might look very different in Syria, and then B will begin again.

France Assad pill, "he was Turpdoing" shot in support of the peace talks, President Hu Jintao and Russian Haas Bean Manvhile Syrian government air strikes have been Akkused.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said that Moscow and Damascus "Visibli two N'ti to contribute in good faith, then I want to stop."

I also believe that Russia Prtly then said BLME's comments, what would you say was targeted attacks Opposisn air Delibrteli heroic groups.

"This was how the militant C Link's attacks against civilian targets in other Aksplored going on now was to contribute to the peace process," Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman John Kirby said.

But Aarliar, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov cradle walls non-stop air strikes "So it really is written Al-Nasra Front Orgnistions Defaeat terrorist was.

SSyria's opposition has been angered that major government offensives continued as the talks got under way.

Wednesday, a major victory against the government clamd Rebls Townes brick rebels in the city of Aleppo through the inclusion of supply, cut, two of the city was to break the blockade of the North West.

Syria conflict – Questions

Why is there a war in Syria?

Anti-government protests developed into a civil war that, four years on, has ground to a stalemate, with the Assad government, Islamic State, an array of Syrian rebels and Kurdish fighters all holding territory.

Who is fighting whom?

Government forces concentrated in Damascus and the centre and west of Syria are fighting the jihadists of Islamic State and al-Nusra Front, as well as less numerous so-called "moderate" rebel groups, who are strongest in the north and east. These groups are also battling each other.

How has the world reacted?

Iran, Russia and Lebanon's Hezbollah movement are propping up the Alawite-led Assad government, while Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar back the more moderate Sunni-dominated opposition, along with the US, UK and France. Hezbollah and Iran are believed to have troops and officers on the ground, while a Western-led coalition and Russia are carrying out air strikes.


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