Leonardo DiCaprio "Oscars 2016 Winner"

Leonardo DiCaprio "Oscars 2016 Winner"

When you enter the name "Leonardo" in the Google search bar, the legendary multi-disciplinary genius Leonardo da Vinci is the proposed third result.

The first and second motions belong to the man who is sitting comfortably at the top of the Hollywood A- list - Leonardo "Leo" DiCaprio.

This year, the strength of a baby face is finally frontrunner for the statue of Oscar Award - Some believe the teen Liu must be picked up twenty-three years ago, what's Eating Gilbert Grape?


Whether you're a long time to live with Liu on board the yacht was docked or you prefer to watch a movie from the scene of Adam Sandler DiCaprio other lead, it can not be denied that Liu's most famous on the face of the earth, and put in more hard yards.
What better time to celebrate the life lived mostly slap bang in the middle of the spotlight, right before the Academy Awards, which is rewarded with a concert?

Here are the six stages of Leonardo DiCaprio in his acting career.


Very nice! Liu his years in the 'family'

R. Critics Choice Awards recently, Liu accepted the best actor award with reference to his parents, and thanks to the leadership about the presence of a young child's ambition for the various tests after school.

From the beginning, DiCaprio was not the usual child star. It was not paying its repression of the parent phase. He wants that parents no objection was ever going to make the difference.

Liu was the first contact with the camera lens through a TV ad Bubble Yum, where his commitment and enthusiasm makes gum look like a new and innovative idea. He then moved into television with a role in the first (and failed) adaptation of the family film, Ron Howard, and now-evangelical poster boy Kirk Cameron growing pains.

Liu cheese appropriate for this sitcom brought in supporting roles, and thus convince the world of cinema to give the boy a shot.

YOUNG character actor LEO:

Critics still say Liu should won an Oscar for this role in What's Eating Gilbert Grape? Who know that it will take a long time!

Although the start of the film, Liu displayed on the direct creatures to VHS Horror 3, it was the role of one particular DiCaprio name of the film - the life of this boy.

Once again, the Critics' Choice Awards, cited Liu played Toby as a turning point in his career. This is understandable, given the fact that playing the opposite Robert De Niro and corresponds to the intensity of a living legend.

That same year, DiCaprio earned his first Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor in What's Eating Gilbert Grape? And still to this day, critics offense. DiCaprio portray the brother of Johnny Depp remains one of the most interpretations of the ratification of the mentally disabled and placed than ever to the screen.

Beloved LEO:

Beating hearts we still have.

Also known as Centrefold Liu, Liu Liu Dreamboat hair.

How dreamy it was in the post-puberty Leonardo DiCaprio? Let me count the ways.

From the moment Liu Romeo turns the page of handwritten poetry, clicks his perfect sidelines asunder and gaze at the camera, all set to talk show host Radiohead, and I want to be by Leonardo DiCaprio, and so did many of the boy. And should not have to mention the impact of the child had to teenage girls.

Claire Danes steal a kiss every girl wants.

The role of Liu in the acclaimed Baz Romeo and Juliet, his stardom grew only. James Cameron was the first to tempt the boy for more than a real bomb - an event movie of the 90s, and the Titanic. 1997-1998 belongs to Leo and Kate, and their partnership is still one of the most respected film romances (and mocked).

New Robert De Niro LEO:

Just like Robert De Niro in front of him, Liu has become a favorite actor Martin Scorsese.

Not after nine years, along with tournament favorite collaborator Martin Scorsese in the life of this boy, and became an official Liu is the new Robert De Niro. Director saw a taxi driver in a similar puzzle DiCaprio as he did in De Niro - an actor otherworldly driven by an obsession to provide a new and distinct thing in front of the camera every time, regardless of physical or emotional number.

Leonardo DiCaprio as Billy Costigan in a scene from the 2006 film Scorsese's "The Departed."

More than six years, the lion appeared in three epics Scorsese - Gangs of New York (2002), the pilot (2004) and The Departed (2006), the latter of which picked up Best Picture, and was somehow still found time to star in the cracking of the film Spielberg - Catch Me I was able (2002).

Liu relationship Scorsese, one of the two "fathers film (the other being De Niro), thrives to this day. The pair together on the next Devil in the White City.

EVERY other director Liu:
Liu nailed his role in The Great Gatsby, even if the rest of the film Baz Luhrmann did not deliver.

Here is where Liu entered a league of his own. There are not a lot of actors end up in their own league (Streep, Day-Lewis, Blanchett, Seymour Hoffman), but when they do, the sky is the limit. You know when the time Liu in the film will get something out of it, even if the film itself was he never manages to reach the level of his (I'm looking at you, Gatsby).

This Leo is the piggy in the middle, and run back and forth between the legendary management and the degree of gold each time. Calvin Kandez in Tarantino's Django Unchained (2012), to a cup of incorporation in Nolan (2010), to starring roles in Mendes' Revolutionary Road (2008), Scott's body of Lies (2008), and Eastwood Edgar (2011).

Of course, Scorsese films extra for good measure - Shutter Island (2010) and The Wolf of Wall Street (2013).


Liu unleashed!

Ironically relatively Liu seems to snag an Oscar for the role of this unspoken to a large extent, given how much effort to put a man accents. Otherwise, it is the overall sense, it is also the first time in a while we've seen the insides Liu precedence over everything concentrated preparation.

Le Revenant, director Alejandro Gonzalez director Liu wanted to rediscover the security flaw has been missing from his performance since What's Eating Gilbert Grape? We were happy Inarritu stones to go there, and they showed us a new Liu - one far from a large piece of children faced all know and love. Instead of the heart beat or the exact nature of the perpetrator, and we got a free rein primitive man.

At 41 years of age, and has achieved Leonardo DiCaprio more than most actors can imagine, the world is waiting to see what the next 40 will bring.

Jeremy Buck is a screenwriter and novelist from Sydney.


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