Leonardo DiCaprio "Oscars 2016 Winner"

Leonardo DiCaprio "Oscars 2016 Winner" When you enter the name "Leonardo" in the Google search bar, the legendary multi-disciplinary genius Leonardo da Vinci is the proposed third result. The first and second motions belong to the man who is sitting comfortably at the top of the Hollywood A- list - Leonardo "Leo" DiCaprio. This year, the strength of a baby face is finally frontrunner for the statue of Oscar Award - Some believe the teen Liu must be picked up twenty-three years ago, what's Eating Gilbert Grape? Whether you're a long time to live with Liu on board the yacht was docked or you prefer to watch a movie from the scene of Adam Sandler DiCaprio other lead, it can not be denied that Liu's most famous on the face of the earth, and put in more hard yards. What better time to celebrate the life lived mostly slap bang in the middle of the spotlight, right before the Academy Awards, which is rewarded wit...