
Showing posts from February, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio "Oscars 2016 Winner"

Leonardo DiCaprio "Oscars 2016 Winner" When you enter the name "Leonardo" in the Google search bar, the legendary multi-disciplinary genius Leonardo da Vinci is the proposed third result. The first and second motions belong to the man who is sitting comfortably at the top of the Hollywood A- list - Leonardo "Leo" DiCaprio. This year, the strength of a baby face is finally frontrunner for the statue of Oscar Award - Some believe the teen Liu must be picked up twenty-three years ago, what's Eating Gilbert Grape?   Whether you're a long time to live with Liu on board the yacht was docked or you prefer to watch a movie from the scene of Adam Sandler DiCaprio other lead, it can not be denied that Liu's most famous on the face of the earth, and put in more hard yards. What better time to celebrate the life lived mostly slap bang in the middle of the spotlight, right before the Academy Awards, which is rewarded wit

Oscars 2016 Hot & Cold News

Welcome to Oscars 2016 With Best Nominees Expectation On Sunday At February 28 Live: Run Auto with Water - The #1 HHO Booster Guide - Run Your Car On Water and Increase Fuel Mileage. Download Your HHO Guide Today: Car Run on Water,Cars Run on Water,Cars Running on Water,Convert Car to Run on Water,HHO Booster,Make Your Car Run on Water,run a car on water,run car on water,run cars on water.   Latest TOp 20 Nominees: 2016 Oscars Music Performances! 27 Feb 2016 What’s a movie without music? The sounds and songs featured in our favorite films can make us break out in wide smiles as well as move us to tears. Several of the nominees for Best Original Song signed on to perform at the 2016 Oscars. Their acts will go down in long history of memorable Oscar Music Moments. Let’s take a look at all the Original Song nominees as we wait for the winner to be announced at the 88th Academy Awards, hosted by Chris Rock, LIVE Oscar Sunday, February 28 7e|

Liverpool vs Manchester City is fighting for honour "CUP" on February

  Liverpool vs Manchester City is fighting for honour "CUP" on February Jurgen Klopp and Manuel Pellegrini will go head-to-head on Sunday at Wembley Team News: Liverpool coach Jürgen Klopp have a chance to win his first title in the English League Cup final on Sunday, while Manuel Pellegrini hope to finish the final season at Manchester City with the trophy. Club refused to discuss tactics before the game, saying: "I think that even in Manchester have televisions." Pellegrini has hinted that he will field a strong team. It is replaced by Bayern Munich coach Pep Guardiola this summer. City manager, whose side are still in the title race in the Premier League, faces Liverpool in the league on Wednesday. Last Sunday, named Pellegrini weak against Chelsea in the FA Cup side - a 5-1 loss - a game with the Champions League midweek against Dynamo Kiev in mind. But he said: "To win a title in February gives you a lot of trust to continu

Hostilities On Syria "Diplomats Push Syria To Ceasefire With The Deadline Approaching"

Diplomats push Syria to ceasefire with the deadline approaching    Bosra, Dara, Syria, Feb. 23, 2016 in the southern city held by rebels in the children playing near the damaged buildings. They are the US- and UN diplomats said Russia supported the ceasefire in Syria, which said that US Secretary of State John Kerry to confirm the Security Council is considering a draft resolution on "the same way that we can end this war. " The warring parties in Syria noon today if the war's end, which is scheduled to begin after 12 hours are included to tell. Kerry Wednesday "option that the war is getting worse, that Syria was completely destroyed, and not able to be put back together again," he said. U.S. and Russian officials are holding further discussions Thursday on implementing the cease-fire, and Russia's deputy foreign minister, Mikhail Bogdanov, reiterated that his country is not discussing any alternatives to the plan.