Democratic Debate: Hillary Is One of The Candidate of Presidential Election 2016

Six fast food of the fourth democratic debate

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley met to discuss the fourth on Sunday evening. Here are the best moments.

In the last Democratic debate before voting begins in 2016, it has been drawing the battle between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders basic lines in the battle, which is getting closer. At the same time, Martin O'Malley just wanted 10 seconds to speak.

Here are six fast food:

In this January 2008 21 file photo, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to the questions during the initial debate in Myrtle Beach, SC

The message hit - and so was the setting. Responsible for the defeat of the most important public life, Hillary Clinton, the man is Barack Obama in the primaries battle of the Democratic Party in 2008. But Sunday night in Charleston, SC, Obama was not the most ardent defender of his one-time enemy.

In response to the criticism Sanders have on banks and receive fees from Goldman Sachs, Clinton attaches itself to Obama.

"He criticized President Obama for taking donations from Wall Street," Clinton said.

"I'm going to defend the Dodd-Frank, and I'm going to defend President Obama to take on Wall Street, taking in the financial industry and get the results," she said.

("The greatest achievements," said one of the country) as they pledged to build on the Affordable Care Act, Sanders criticized for expressing their support for the main challenge to Obama in 2012 and defended the President in response to Syria's use of chemical weapons.

It was delivered this defense lavished legacy of President Obama in a state where Clinton delivered a stinging loss in 2008, and defeat her by nearly 30 points. Maybe it was not a coincidence.

Clinton pushing gun issue:

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders participate in the discussion of democracy in the January 17, 2016, in Charleston, SC

Sanders if he believes he has to beat Clinton in the bombing on its relations Wall Street, Clinton's problem is believed to be one against him with guns. Saturday, Vermont Senator pointed out that he might be supportive of the measure that would remove the immunity enjoyed the responsibility of gun manufacturers. Clinton sought to take advantage of this and other areas where you see his point of view as out of step with the preliminary voters of the Democratic Party.

"I am pleased to hear that Senator Sanders has reversed its position on immunity," he said in a backhanded praise of his possible change of heart on the issue of liability. And he criticized him for supporting "Charleston loophole," a reference to the waiting period for three days after he allowed a written Dylann roof mistake to buy the weapon used to kill nine people in the historic black church in Charleston last June.

Sanders promised to "re-examine" the question of gun responsibility and said his experience represents a rural state like Vermont and this is more averse to gun restrictions would put him in "excellent site" to build a consensus on this issue. Clinton attacks but in the case of very recently and tragically disfigured as a result of armed violence could prove strong.

Making the case for realism:

Photographer focuses on Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders as they participate in the January 17, 2016, the Democratic debate in Charleston, SC

Sanders, like Obama in 2008, talking about the radical changes in the way politics in Washington is going to work. He promised a "political revolution", universal health care through the "health care for all" (unveiled details of the plan hours before the debate). Clinton, despite the striking tone more realistic, perhaps banking on the fact that voters primaries of the Democratic Party after eight years of acrimony between Obama and Republicans in Congress and the display at the end of the day the Democratic race through more realistic than idealistic lens.

On health care, he said: "We have accomplished a lot already do not want to see the Republicans canceled, and I do not want to see start again with controversy."

It also works with Republicans ranging from Lindsey Graham to Tom DeLay - and not one name usually heard in this context in the democratic debate.

Bill Clinton's past not an issue in this primary:

Former President Bill Clinton speaks during his campaign for Hillary Clinton in the January 13, 2016, at Keene State College in Keene, NH

He said he could provide fodder for Donald Trump, but do not expect President scandals of the era of the 42-1990s to become a problem in the Democratic race. Sanders was asked about the comments he made about Bill Clinton where he'd called the scandals of former President sex "outrageous and unacceptable".

In a moment reminiscent of his line in the first debate in October where rejected the controversy over the e-mail messages Hillary Clinton - "The American people are sick and tired of hearing about e-mail messages to curse your" - Senator from Vermont Similarly, Bill Clinton issue took off the table, If there was ever at all.

Saying the issue "bother him," Sanders blamed the media for constantly trying to bait him in the attack on Hillary Clinton.

"I am going to discuss Secretary of State Clinton, Governor O'Malley, the issues facing the American people, not Bill Clinton's personal behavior," said Sanders.

O'Malley's struggles to get noticed magnified:



Martin O'Malley up on stage for democratic debate in the January 17, 2016, in Gillard Center in Charleston, SC

Martin O'Malley was not an easy time of it in the Democratic race. He was in the low single digits at the national level, as well as in Iowa and New Hampshire, where he sustained campaign since the launch of the White House trying to May. So he barely qualified for the debate on Sunday on the ABC polling standards.

While he may be on the stage, and he may be more remembered for his pleas for more time.

There was a moment when asked Musharraf Lester Holt for "only 10 seconds" For in weight to a question about drug use, as Holt ignored and cut to commercial. There was a time, after returning from a business, and Clinton offered Holt 30 seconds more after cutting off her previously, and O'Malley asked: "Can I get 30 seconds, and also"

As the debate closed, Holt asked the candidates whether they want to weigh in on anything were not given the opportunity to discuss in the previous two hours of debate. ", And we'll start with Governor O'Malley," Holt said, as the crowd laughed, humor seemingly lost on one.

"Did not see that coming, did you?" Said Holt.

Foreign policy not providing sharp dividing lines:


Hillary Clinton greets guests after the Democratic debate hosted by ABC News and YouTube in January 17, 2016.

In the second democratic debate, which took place the day after the terrorist attacks of Paris, has dominated foreign policy. Tonight, and that was almost in the middle distance while it came at all.

Once it did, the candidates talked about Iran and Syria and the Islamic state, among other things. Clinton, once again, sought to link itself with the Obama administration, expressing his pride for her role in the imposition of sanctions on Iran (Sanders and Clinton both expressed their support for Iran's nuclear agreement) and defending President on Syria. O'Malley pointed out how he and his rivals did not use the language much more stringent often heard from the candidates of the Republican Party.

Perhaps the most noticeable that Clinton came out unscathed to a large extent, as its opponents does not seek to jab in her tenure as secretary of state. When asked whether the Obama administration - and by extension, Clinton - has helped to "create a vacuum," which allowed the Islamic state to take root, Sanders objected.

"I do not think that creating a vacuum created by the disastrous war in Iraq, which strongly opposed." However, in absolve Clinton collusion during her years in the Council of Ministers Obama, he was unable to shed light on the fact that he'd voted against the Iraq war in 2002 while he was in the House of Representatives, which is, of course, with the support as a member of the Senate .


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