Australia Wildfires: Two Killed As Fire Rages Unabated

Australia Wildfires: Two Killed As Fire Rages Unabated


Officials say at least two people were killed and another is missing with forest fires continued to burn out of control in Western Australia.

Police say he was found on the bodies of two men in the 70S in the ruins of the burned houses in the town of Yarloop, south of Perth.

Forest fire warning is still in the emergency in place for Yarloop.

Emergency services have warned that the towns of Harvey, Cookernup and Wokalup also facing a major threat.

Western Australia Premier Colin Barnett said the main area of ​​the fire to be the scene of a natural disaster and qualify for emergency funds.

They were evacuated - residents and holidaymakers in the region - beef and dairy products, the main agricultural area.

Dairy farmers have been forced to abandon thousands of liters of milk due to road closure prevented tankers from reaching the farm already badly damaged due to power outages.

The fire, which may have been sparked by lightning on Wednesday, and is now estimated that some 67,000 hectares destroyed (166000 acres) of land.

It has been published firefighters from New South Wales to relieve the debilitating local crews, according to the Reuters news agency.

10 o'clock:
According to the latest reports it is also a large fire that burned near the town of Esperance, on the southern coast of Western Australia.

But so far Yarloop been affected, with at least 130 properties destroyed. But Prime Minister Colin Barnett said the state will be built.

May speeds up to 60KM / hour (37mph) spread the fire, known as the Fire Waroona, to the heights of 50M (150ft f).

Now fallen by strong winds, but the fire is still unpredictable.

"We are seeing the conditions that we have not seen before on this type of fire, especially when passed Yarloop" said Western Australia Fire Commissioner Wayne Gregson.

It remains unclear how much of the more than 500 residents of the town will be able to return.

Four firefighters struggling destroyed in the fire, fire Yarloop one.

He described the loss of property in Yarloop as a "task" with a bar, bowling club and workshops historical timber devastating.

Western Australia forest fires come less than a month after that hit southern Victoria similar fires.

It was destroyed more than 100 homes before the outbreak of the Christmas Day holiday.

Forest fires in Australia severe:

What causes fires?

Australia is particularly vulnerable to forest fires as much of the country has both, and a warm, dry climate, a lot of plants to burn. All you then take to start a fire is the ignition, and there can be up to a thousand lightning strikes in a storm.

Is there any way to stop it happening?

Can reduce the impact by setting: authorities can clear land prone to the risk of early and build more settlements fire-resistant. Individuals can set up their defenses and escape own plans.

Once they start, they can be put down?

Move quickly fires can be fought by "direct attack" less - the ground forces hoses - cases but more dangerous not to be fought with the strategic technologies such as "back burn" land such as fire progress, to starve it of fuel when it arrives.


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