Supergirl "Laura Vandervoort"

Laura Vandervoort Is Now Cast of Supergirl 

Former super girl Laura Vandervoort joins the cast of Super Girl

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 Directly from critics TV tour Press Association, CBS announced that Laura Vandervoort, who played Kara / super girl on the long-running hit series Smallville, has been tapped repeated Indigo for the role, which he described as producers and live, strong giant will, who was sentenced to Fort Rozz after turning against the people of Krypton. Now on the ground, Indigo and let stand everything on its way. This super represents the former second girl to take on the role in the CBS series after Helen Slater.

Another new addition to the cast includes Jeff Branson (and young and troubled) in a recurring role of master jailer. As prison guards forcibly and relentlessly on Fort Rozz, Master warden showed no mercy. Now on the ground, he is hellbent on catching all of the fugitives Fort Rozz and bring them to justice and brutality.

Finally, it was revealed that the next episode of Super Girl will be inspired by the classic Superman Alan Moore story "for the man who has everything," a story which saw Superman living in a dream state where Krypton did not explode and lived his life on the planet home, with the thirteenth episode for the exhibition, which will be entitled "to a girl who has everything."

Melissa Benoist leads the cast of super girl and one season as a character title with a cast that also includes Mehcad Brooks James Olsen, Laura Benanti as Alura Zor-El, Calista Flockhart as Cat Grant, Chyler Leigh as Alexandra "Alex" Danvrs, Jeremy Jordan as Winslow "Win "Shoot, Jenna Dewan Tatum Lucy Lin (sister of Louis), David Harewood Hank Henshaw, Peter Facinelli as Maxwell Lord, with Dean Cain and Helen Slater.


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