US Politics "What Troubles The Money Trump Tells us Really"

What Troubles The Money Trump Tells us Really

Candidate speaks at the Trump Soho Hotel in New York City on June 22.

After the extension of 10 days in which I found Trump himself rebuked by Republican Party leaders, and the decline in the polls and launch him great harm, campaign manager, news broke that according to official papers, and was his campaign is now about 1.3 million $ in the bank.

This is great if you are running for a seat in the House of Representatives, say, Maine. It's a little less awesome if you're running for president.

How much less awesome? About 40 times less than those of Hillary Clinton at their disposal - not counting the foreign groups that have been revving their behalf for at least one year. So, yes, a lot less awesome.

This is really something, considering that all through the preliminary election Trump bragged about how he was very rich, you would not believe, and how he was the only man on stage who did not need to ask for money.

I'll tell you what it seems when the rich man gets seriously serious about winning. When Michael Bloomberg won a third term as mayor of New York in 2009, he spent about $ 102 million, or $ 183 in the vote. At that rate if Bloomberg decided to run for president as an independent candidate, he had to spend about $ 12 billion.

And you know what? He said he was, too. Because Bloomberg is not a man who plays around. It has the cash and used.

But if Bloomberg is John D. Rockefeller modern politics, then Trump is a professor of physical education at Barnum - a master of spectacle and illusion. And after an attack linked to billions, spread around, no matter what the phrases other euphemisms for "unreal" to recruit.

This, I'm guessing, is why he does not want you to see his tax returns. It will be the trump card be happy to shout from the top of Trump Tower that he did not pay a penny in taxes - that fits the narrative of being smarter than anyone else, and know the flaws in the system that need to be repaired.

What is less enthusiastic we have, as you know, perhaps, it is that it really has not got that much, either. There are tremendous on paper wealth, lifestyle sustained by credit card. Kind of like the government.


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