US Politics "What Troubles The Money Trump Tells us Really"

What Troubles The Money Trump Tells us Really Candidate speaks at the Trump Soho Hotel in New York City on June 22. Click Here After the extension of 10 days in which I found Trump himself rebuked by Republican Party leaders, and the decline in the polls and launch him great harm, campaign manager, news broke that according to official papers, and was his campaign is now about 1.3 million $ in the bank. This is great if you are running for a seat in the House of Representatives, say, Maine. It's a little less awesome if you're running for president. How much less awesome? About 40 times less than those of Hillary Clinton at their disposal - not counting the foreign groups that have been revving their behalf for at least one year. So, yes, a lot less awesome. This is really something, considering that all through the preliminary election Trump bragged about how he was very rich, you would not believe, and how he was the only man on stage who did not need...