Fatima Ptacek Is Involved In A Lawsuit for Smoking In School Bathroom

Voice of Dora “Fatima Ptacek Is Involved In A Lawsuit for Smoking In School Bathroom”

Fatima Ptacek, who does the voice of “Dora the Explorer,” was only suspended for three days after being caught with the vape. Videos

Fátima Ptacek (born August 20, 2000) is an American child actress and model. She is best known as the current voice of Dora in Nickelodeon animated television series Dora the Explorer (2011–2015)

“Dora” got suspended for smoking in the girl’s room, court papers charge.
The teenage actress who is the voice behind “Dora the Explorer” allegedly got a girlfriend expelled from a private high school in Chelsea in December after persuading the younger teenager to try a water vaporizer pipe in the school bathroom. 

Nadia Leonelli and Frederick Sundwall says in court documents teenagers and one other girl and vaping water caramel flavor when they tattled by a senior at the Avenues World School.

Lack of drugs involved. Not even tobacco. Three girls have been vaping water caramel flavor and was ratted by a senior.

However, just he had a daughter 14 years old, and to identify the Master of Surgery, to withdraw from the school, where tuition tops $ 40,000 per year. Got Fatima Ptacek, 15, the voice behind the role, suspended for three days, and the third girl not disciplined at all.

Parents suing Celebrity easy Avenues, managers were arbitrary and capricious, saying the violation of its policies by forcing their daughter to withdraw.

 He said parents alike daughter and Ptacek - "overwhelmed by fear" - initially denied the charges vaping when faced after noon on December 10 about what happened in the bathroom and girls.

However, they said, their daughter immediately recognized them, saying she succumbed to peer pressure, and wanted to "cool" appears Ptacek's "because it is the oldest of the MS and celebrities, and is being represented by those who have no voice Dora the Explorer on TV, and after the movie He was nominated for the Oscars. "

The next day, according to court documents, Master of Surgery admitted details of the principals.

According to court documents Ptacek did the same thing with the "confession" written where she says she got the pipes VAPE from a boy in her classroom.

"At first, we did not know how to run it, but then we figured out," Ptacek was quoted as saying.

  Court documents say that the school was forced to expel other students since it opened four years ago, but these cases where violence or serious drug use.

"He said that water vapor incident does not rise to the level of seriousness," he said.

They said school officials have treated their daughter more severe - even though it gave them the same account as Ptacek - because they found them not to be "trustworthy," but he refused to explain how to do this.

In spite of their daughter now enrolled in other private schools, and parents want the courts to invalidate the disciplinary action, guiding the school to register their daughter and give them unspecified monetary damages.

"Matters relating to litigation and discipline the students are private and confidential," said spokesman Bruce pristine School.

"Avenues has very high standards of behavior ... and following a fair and appropriate process when there are irregularities. We know that students make mistakes and options is decent. But we expect them to take accountability for them and behave honorably to proceed."

Ptacek's rep did not respond to a request for comment.


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