Norway workouts new horizons with technology education as the oil market sags

Norway workouts new horizons with technology education As the oil market sags Norway - a few miles south of Oslo in a sunny classroom, playing a video game and first graders who stood in front of Jean-Baptiste Huynh merry class. Designer and teacher of the game, Huynh and number 1-10 Dragon box creatures who show their new number, as different sizes you eat "can" show off each other. The resulting creature represents a total of two. After a brief lesson, Huynh set students free of charge. They are issued by the school for their offices and tablet computers arrived and got to work. It was mid-October, and the number Dragonbox either here or elsewhere, on the Apple iTunes Store has been released so far. Try it this way first of its kind in the world, was three feet long beta testing. These students go to school in an interesting time. Much like the rest of the world, themselves chasing Norway and Finland, and in the field of education neighboring country'...